Now Uruguay asks Argentina to convene a meeting to discuss the flexibility of Mercosur

After the crossing between Alberto Fernández and Luis Lacalle Pou weeks ago, Uruguay once again asked, this time formally, Argentina to convene an extraordinary meeting of Chancellors and Ministers of Economy of Mercosur to discuss the issue of block flexibility.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Francisco Bustillo, on Monday extended the formal request to his Argentine counterpart, Felipe Solá, to ask him to convene this extraordinary meeting.

This diplomatic request is produced for the next meeting of the bloc from April 22, for which Bustillo asked Solá – since Argentina holds the presidency pro tempore of the block– for the extraordinary meeting to be held before the summit, according to the Uruguayan newspaper The country.

The diplomatic crossing

Fernández and Lacalle Pou come from starring in a tense crossing during the last virtual summit of the Mercosur of the last March 26.

.Lacalle Pou had asked to give him more commercial opening to the block, in other words, “open up to the world”. The president then assured that he would not allow flexibility supposed a “ballast” for the Mercosur, and that they were not willing to “be a corset”.

“The truth is that we didn’t want to be a burden to anyone. Lor it is easier to get off the boat if that load weighs a lot. Let’s finish with those with those ideas that help the unit so little. We don’t want to be anyone’s ballast. If we are a drag, let them take another boat, but we are nobody’s ballast. It is an honor for me to be part of Mercosur, “Fernández replied.

The Argentine president had also criticized his Uruguayan counterpart, noting that the proposal he made was “unusually aggressive” and “out of place”.

“The sizzles”, according to Lacalle Pou

Days after this controversy, Luis Lacalle Pou affirmed that “the sizzling that may have they should not be an obstacle“for the construction of Mercosur. It was in a report to All News.

The challenge, for the Uruguayan president “is to open up to the world, go out to sell to the world our products and our human resources shine; that’s why we did what we did on Friday and we are going to formally insist “.

In that interview with the Argentine news channel, there was a question that the Uruguayan president chose not to respond. It was on whether Argentina had been the country that asked to remove the word “flexibility” from the failed document of the summit.

For Lacalle Pou “urge” to make decisions on the rules of the game in the common market. “It is not capricious. We are convinced that the world is prepared to receive a Mercosur that is associated. And to receive different partners that maximize trade with some countries.

With international agencies


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