Together for Change refuses to restrict activities and sets conditions to delay STEP

In a face-to-face meeting in a room in Palermo, the members of the Juntos por el Cambio national table asked “defend the greatest possible normality” in the face of the health situation once again complicated by the pandemic and they left the stage open to negotiate a postponement of the primaries, on the condition of having guarantees that they are not suspended or unified with the general ones.

Regarding the discussion of the electoral calendar, the members of the opposition coalition decided to wait to know a specific project of the ruling party and demand other changes, such as the implementation of the single ballot and the enabling of voting by letter. for Argentines residing abroad.

“We are against the change in the rules of the game. Until today we have not received any concrete proposal from the National Executive Power. And if there is one, it must mean a structural improvement and not only for this election”, assured the opposition referents in a statement, focused on the rejection of possible isolation measures in the face of the increase in coronavirus cases.

Meeting of the national board of Together for Change, this Tuesday.

“We find it particularly worrying that in the face of the failure of the government’s health strategy, the repeated response is to insist on excessive and poorly calibrated restrictions,” they questioned at the beginning.

Late at night the parliamentary leaders had not received the summons from Sergio Massa to meet with Wado de Pedro in Congress, although if the appointment for this Wednesday was confirmed they agreed to attend.

The members of Juntos por el Cambio unified positions with the refusal to eliminate the primaries or to join them with the general ones, as proposed by the head of the Chamber. There he pointed out the refusal to accept “changes in the rules” already started the electoral year.

Request for guarantees

Once the ruling party formally advances, the opponents will demand “guarantees” that there will be a STEP on a date separate from the general ones.

But if Massa put pressure with a position of maximum, the opponents agreed to add requests: the single ballot – resisted by the ruling party – and the reversal of the repeal of the decree so that Argentines abroad vote early.

The meeting was the first with face-to-face format, after the last virtual one with the controversies over the image of Mauricio Macri in the room and his wife Juliana Awada in bed.

In addition to the former president, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, María Eugenia Vidal, Patricia Bullrich, Cristian Ritondo and Humberto Schiavoni attended for the PRO; Alfredo Cornejo, Mario Negri, Luis Naidenoff, Martín Lousteau and this time the governors Rodolfo Suárez, Gerardo Morales and Gustavo Valdés joined for radicalism; Maximiliano Ferraro, Maricel Etchecoin and Juan López for the Civic Coalition and Miguel Pichetto for Republican Peronism.

The meeting passed without crosses. The leaders drew up an overview of the health and economic situation in their districts.

Rodríguez Larreta and Morales agreed on the request for maintain activities and “normality as much as possible” according to the evolution of the pandemic.

At the beginning, Macri spoke of “focusing on people’s problems.”

In the statement they demanded “to guarantee the right to education, work and the exercise of fundamental freedoms” and listed “the lack of vaccines on the necessary scale, inflation, increasing poverty, insecurity, lack of employment. , the closure of businesses and the fall in economic activity “among the main problems.

At the exit, Bullrich, Cornejo and Ferraro, the headlines of the matches, spoke.

The former governor of Mendoza advanced the request for the single ballot and the vote of Argentines abroad.

At the meeting they agreed not to go any further and wait until they knew the concrete proposal: they criticized the “multiple opinions” of the ruling party, from Massa to Máximo Kirchner.

The coincidence was maintained in the rejection of the eventual unification of the primaries and the generals: they considered that if it materializes, it will be a kind of law of slogans that will benefit the Frente de Todos: “They arm you with many more lists and put Peronism inside from end to end.”

A postponement will also be convenient for the Government, to try to buy time with the vaccination process, although at the same time voting in August would have a cost for Together for Change, as assessed.

Elisa Carrió had publicly admitted it: “If it suits us, it does not matter that it is a manipulation of the Government.”

Opponents had considered campaigning in the midst of the pandemic negative, and also estimated that in the middle of winter there could be less participation of older adults, a portion of the electorate more favorable to Together for Change than to Frente de Todos.

“It is reasonable to move the PASO for a month, but there is mistrust and it can be a trap. For now there is no government project. It has to be something very institutional, in writing, and that they commit not to delay them beyond the one-month agreement, “they summarized as the majority position, demanding a formal framework to discuss it, after the noise generated by the meeting at the Casa Rosada, in which Máximo Kirchner, Massa , Axel Kicillof and Wado de Pedro spoke on the subject with Ritondo, Jorge Macri and Erica Revilla.

The meeting of the Minister of the Interior with the parliamentary authorities could function as a first step.

Look also
Why Juntos por el Cambio needs the PASO (and separated from the general one)
Look also
Martin Lousteau: "The one in power does not like the STEP"

#Change #refuses #restrict #activities #sets #conditions #delay #STEP
