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Television review Monday’s TV movies include the crime comedy Cut Bank

The films of the day were judged by Martta Kaukonen.

The bachelors patron

(Finland 1938) In Orvo Saarikivi’s romantic comedy, a young Lapland woman (Helena Kara) finds herself in the hotels of a bachelor’s club in Helsinki.

TV1 at 1:20 p.m.

The birth of the planet of monkeys ★★★★

(USA 2011) A pharmaceutical company researcher (James Franco) takes care of Caesar, the chick of an experimental animal chimpanzee. Rupert Wyatt directed the new one Planet of the apes series, which takes a stand on animal rights. (K12)

Sub at 9 p.m.

Cut Bank ★★★

(USA 2014) The murder of a postman (Bruce Dern) messes up the life of a small town in Cut Bank. Directed by Matt Shakman as his firstborn, the crime comedy is inspired by the work of the Coen brothers. (K16)

Hero at 9 p.m.

The unbearable lightness of lying ★★

(USA 2009) The comedy of Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson, starring, tells the story of a world where people can’t lie. Instead, the characters say all their thoughts out loud.

TV5 at 9 p.m.


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