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France | France is driven strict law to eradicate bullying – acts could lead to imprisonment for up to bullies

“The aim is to create the necessary šokkivaikutus,” says the draft law prepared by MP Erwan Balanan.

French Parliament, ie the National Assembly began on Wednesday to deal with the bill, which tackles bullying at school with a heavy hand, tells the AFP news agency.

If the bill passes, school bullying could be punished in the most serious cases by up to three years in prison.

It is likely that the bill gets a majority in parliament, AFP says. The project is supported by the President Emmanuel Macron government front as well as right-wing Republicans.

“We will never accept that our children violated life”, Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquerna said in Parliament. According to Blanquer, the law “implements the values ​​of the republic”.

The Act strengthen the budgetary preventing bullying in schools and the creation of a new criminal offense of bullying, AFP says.

According to the bill of bullying bully’s punishment is a crime regardless of age and, depending on the severity of up to three years in prison and fines of EUR 45 000.

If the victim of bullying or attempting to commit suicide, the punishment is even tougher – up to ten years in prison and fines of EUR 150 000, says Le Figaro -magazine.

France has recently had a number of koulukiusaamistapauksia ended in tragedy. For example, in Eastern France in Alsace 14-year-old girl committed suicide when he was told the class to his friends as a lesbian and had to because of a nasty school bullying.

The Left parties have criticized the new bill as oversized.

“We are not in favor of minors criminalization and repression increased,” said Socialist MP Michèle Victory.

The draft bill author, Member of Parliament for the Central Modem Party Erwan Balanan in turn, the text so severe explained by the fact that the “desired by society”.

“text [lakiesityksen] the purpose is to create the necessary shock effect, ”Balanan told the radio station France Info in an interview.

“Now the Penal Code doesn’t even have the word school bullying. It does not exist.”

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