The Government accelerates spending and allocates $ 600 million per day to plans for social organizations

The Government accelerates spending and allocates $ 600 million per day to plans for social organizations
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In January, during the first 29 days of 2021, the Government transferred $ 17,459 million to budget programs that are responsible for the distribution of social plans , either through food policies or initiatives aimed at creating jobs for the most vulnerable sectors. Transfers to two specific areas of the Ministry of Social Development represent an outlay of $ 605 million per day and, in just one month, they already amount to almost 8% of the planned expenditure for the entire year. The data, which you accessed Clarion , arise from the analysis of the official site Open Budget, dependent on the Ministry of Economy.

Social development, with the 7% of the global, It is the ministry that has received the most funds in the first part of the year, with minimal allocations for the rest. Work, for example, has only executed 1.1% of its funds, Economy, 2.37%, Education, 0.75%, Presidency of the Nation, 0.8%, and Public Works, 0.71%. Health, even in pandemic, received 2.41% of the $ 198,000 million stipulated for this year.

During the past year, and especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, social spending has grown steadily, supported by the Government to serve the sectors most affected by the quarantine. What began as a contribution of $ 50 billion annually to programs for food aid and job creation ended up quadrupled, with expenditures that exceeded $ 200,000 million within the organization chart of the Ministry of Social Development Without considering, for example, the cost of the three installments of the Emergency Family Income, in charge of the ANSeS, for $ 270,000 million.

Following that line, the 2021 Budget provided funds for Social Development leading to Daniel Arroyo for $ 252.626 million, which already had a slight increase and became $ 255,712 million . Of that total, $ 17,888 million have already been drawn; although of that nThe number, almost 90%, corresponds to items from the ministry’s largest programs: Food Policies and Empowering Work: exactly $ 17,549 million.

The program Food Policies it had a strong first disbursement during January: $ 7,439 million, 6.51% of the $ 114,250 million that it has to receive throughout the year. It is a strategic box, since from there funds come out, according to the budget message, destined to “actions related to the Alimentar Card, which consists of a monthly accreditation of funds” to Holders of the Universal Child Allowance and other plans. Also from there come resources to assist school canteens. In charge of the area is a leader of La Cámpora: the secretary of Social Inclusion, Laura Valeria Alonso.

He Empower WorkMeanwhile, it is the main tool through which Desarrollo Social bets to replace the IFE, with the central difference, at least from what Arroyo transmits, that there is a labor consideration in exchange for the income that is paid. ANDAt the end of the year, as an extra, some 700,000 beneficiaries of the plan received a bonus of $ 9,450, almost identical sum to the monthly credit of just over $ 10,293 that they charge per month.

In the first month of 2021, Strengthening Work was the program that received the most funds from the Nation, within the orbit of Social Development. They were, exActually, $ 10,110 million, 9.04% of the $ 111,897 million that have to be assigned throughout this year. The plan depends on the Ministry of Social Economy, which is in charge of the social leader and reference of the Evita Movement, Emilio Pérsico.

Delay in sending funds to the City

The two programs with a higher budget within the Social Development structure are distributed, periodically, in the 24 districts of the country. The flow of money sent has also been high, but in the last hours what was perceived as an irregularity was corrected.

Until the Thursday 28, the City of Buenos Aires had been the most relegated in terms of sending funds. with just over 2.7% executed, when the rest of the provinces were located with an execution of between 5% and 10%.

Clarion He consulted the reasons for the delays of the funds to the Buenos Aires administration and executive sources explained that it had to do with a data load issue, which would later be adjusted. That same day there had been dialogues about the sending of those funds between the authorities of the Human Development and Habitat area of ​​the City for the same issue.

He Friday 29, in the morning, the accrued expense had changed: in the case of Promote Work, the funds grew to 7.25% in execution; in that of Food Policies, up to 4.69%. Even so, compared to the rest of the provinces, it is still one of the lowest level of execution in percentage terms.

Buenos Aires sources assure that the money still, even when it was drawn, did not arrive. They also recognized, from both jurisdictions, that the relationship between Daniel Arroyo and María Migliore, the minister of the area in Ciudad, is very fluid.

Another box to follow

With more moderate numbers, there is a fund linked to social spending that has also had significant movements in terms of budget in recent years. Its about National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies, with funds of $ 1,069 million for all of 2021 already in charge of Victoria Tolosa Paz, another leader close to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. So far in 2021, he has earned $ 14 million.

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