The ‘health feat’ and the vaccine as an electoral variable

For starters, data. Until yesterday Argentina had applied 344,044 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine (info from, Y just over 51,000 people had received the two necessary doses.

The Russian Investment Fund that finances the production this week admitted delays in deliveries, and any estimates towards the future of the vaccination plan today appear reckless.

Up to here it is a problem of limitations that the world suffers. But it is not the whole picture. That the Government has not agreed with Pfizer (it supplies Chile, among others), left it in these days without alternatives to Sputnik V (it has not yet published its Phase 3 studies and it was not authorized in the US and the Union European).

The dead end is completed by no less data: the national government is the only one that negotiates the purchase. First, for a universal reason: vaccines have emergency authorizations that limit conversations with laboratories to national and provincial states. This excludes the private for now. But what about the provinces? Why don’t you start your own negotiations?

Months ago, President Alberto Fernández and the governors agreed to centralize the deal with laboratories in the nation, but today the situation changed. The failure of the agreement with Pfizer for no clear reason and the forecasts of an imminent second wave they force to facilitate the possibilities of purchase and access to vaccines.

The governments of Córdoba, Mendoza and Misiones admit at this time their intention to initiate negotiations with the laboratories. “If we can buy we will do it, but they have to be authorized by the ANMAT”, the governor of Mendoza Rodolfo Suárez transmitted to his cabinet.

The obligatory question is, What would be the problem if that province, Córdoba or the City of Buenos Aires negotiate their own agreements with Pfizer or other laboratories? And that they vaccinate following the criteria of “Risk mitigation” defined by the Ministry of Health?

The one-way road in which the president seems trapped can only be explained in the tone of gesture that your Government intends to impose on the vaccination plan. At this point, the decision to appropriate health glory and use it as an argument in an election year is indisputable. It is shown by “Flights of hope” to Moscow related by Víctor Hugo Morales on TV, the photos of Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner and other K officials getting vaccinated smiling and the malvinization of the fight against the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. Also the speculation in the distribution to the opposition mayors, as in Olavarría, and the appearance of La Cámpora in the vaccination process in Pergamino.

The coronavirus vaccine as an electoral variable, in a dangerous kinship to the logic of the “Christmas sweet bread”. It would be even folkloric if there wasn’t so much tragedy involved.

