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Columns Young people see the election machine as the most important way to follow the election, and the pandemic also emphasizes the importance of election machines

There are fewer face-to-face campaigns due to the coronavirus, so candidates need to be met remotely.

In the near future Municipal election candidates receive e-mails from Helsingin Sanomat and many other media. It’s time to dig out the online banking credentials to log in and start answering the election machine questions.

In the forthcoming municipal elections, electoral machines will play an exceptionally important role. There are fewer face-to-face campaigns due to the coronavirus, so candidates need to be met remotely.

Sami Borgin and Kari Koljosen fresh election machine research According to him, election machines are a very important way to monitor elections, especially for younger age groups. Young people differ significantly from other age groups: for those under 30, election machines are the main channel for election observation.

For myself these are the tenth heated election in which I am involved in doing Hesarin electoral machine. Since the beginning of the 2010s, the attitude of readers and candidates towards election machines has clearly changed.

The issues are being assessed much more seriously and critically. The election machines of Hesar and YLE are the largest in the kingdom. The questioning of both is seen as a clear set of the political agenda. Attention will also be paid to the wording of individual questions and they will receive feedback from both candidates and readers. The demand for fairness is emphasized: there must be many different and sufficiently serious issues. Light and insignificant election machine issues are even irritating.

Electoral issues the basic problem of drafting is that questions put into the form of an argument should be genuinely able to be answered in the negative or in the affirmative. “Are you on the good side against evil?” is a bad question because who wouldn’t.

In municipal elections, the key questions in the HS election machine are – as always – the basic tasks of municipalities: Should municipal taxes be increased or expenditures reduced? Is the number of schools right, and how should school facilities be built? Is zoning done correctly? What about motoring and public transport?

We also assume that coronary virus restrictions, climate change, and congestion charges recorded in the government program, for example, speak.

In the election two years ago, the Hesar election machine was cast 1.5 million times. Hopefully, in this election, as many candidates as possible will respond to multiple machines. Electoral machines will be the most important way to appear to voters, especially for previously unknown candidates.

The author is the editor-in-chief of HS.


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