Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin have discovered killer sperm in mice that secrete toxic substances to kill other sperm and be the first to fertilize an egg. Writes about this Daily Star.
Experts have found that some sperm have a genetic mutation, the t-haplotype, which allows them to move in a straight line and faster, while normally sperm move more slowly and in a circle. In addition, sperm carrying the t-haplotype variant produce toxic molecules that can disrupt the functioning of other sperm. According to the researchers, the discovery will help in the treatment of male infertility.
Earlier, as a result of an experiment, Russian scientists discovered that a severe form of COVID-19 can threaten infertility in men. Antibodies to coronavirus were detected in 32 volunteers, while their sperm count and their activity decreased on average by one and a half to two times. Three study participants who had severe COVID-19 had no sperm at all.
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