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Television review In the impressive Swedish documentary, climate activist Greta Thunberg becomes more familiar than ever before

An honest Swedish documentary follows Greta Thunberg from school strikes to the UN climate summit.

All began when a small braided girl sat one Friday on the wall of the Swedish Parliament with a sign that read: Skolstrejk för klimatet, a school strike for the climate. Over the course of the day, he was accompanied by astonishing people, and by several Fridays, a people’s movement had already emerged, eventually a global climate movement.

Someone who ever photographed all the time, already there at the House of Commons. Swedish documentary director Nathan Grossman put together a film from the materials, which has already been expected. I Am Greta is a hugely impressive documentary Greta Thunbergin (p. 2003) from the road to the attention of the whole globe.

Movie does not admire but focuses on observation. Greta Thunberg becomes familiar, more familiar than ever before. It shows what an exceptional individual is like who just couldn’t leave his job. Of course, it also speaks to the fact that time is indeed running out and the climate crisis will not ease if the rest of us just settle for admiring him.

Thunberg’s father is often included in the pictures Svante. Mom just flashes towards the end. There’s a very intimate picture of their relationship that is warm and encouraging but also grueling especially in the moments when Thunberg refuses to eat.

At the same time, Grossmann is careful that Thunberg appears all the time as an active actor and protagonist of the film, not caring, even though he is still there for his age.

And especially not to be treated, although that is kind of the question. Thunberg only finds his own balance when he has made people wake up, even for a moment. Asperger is his power, but it requires a lot, everything.

Grossman the documentary confuses the public and the private, without any nudity, even hate speech. Perhaps most beautiful, however, is Thunberg’s perspective. We’re used to the images of young Greta Thunberg, who often looks lonely in the middle of a role-playing game of great heads of state, but now we also look through her eyes and she’s really not alone.

The film culminates in crossing the Atlantic, during which Thunberg’s despair crosses some border again. This will be followed by the UN Climate Summit and the famous How Dare You speech. The document therefore ends in 2019.

In the corona year Thunberg has had to compromise on his mission, and unfortunately the latest images show that he has stopped eating again.

Docventuresevening will start a discussion on the themes of the film at 8 p.m.

I Am Greta, TV2 at 8.20 pm and Yle Areena.


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