In her dissertation, Seija Aunila studied the war propaganda of Kotiliesi magazine and made a radio series for the project.
About the heroes you’ve probably heard, but what does a “hero spouse” sound like? What about the “hero child”?
Both terms were used during the Winter and Continuation Wars in Kotiliesi magazine. In its writings, Finland’s most widely circulated magazine formulated a clear task for women. This had to accept her husband’s death and give birth to new children.
The women’s magazine had a narrow role reserved for women. The ideal was the hostess of a small farmer who did not waste her time studying, for example. Those without children or having few children were declared selfish cowards.
Rebels and columnists who lost their spouses or children in the war hid their grief and appeared in their texts as strong cornerstones of the family.
Yle’s journalist Seija Aunila In September 2020, he completed his dissertation on the change in the content of Kotiliede when the war broke out. Next year, the hundred-year-old magazine did not turn into a propaganda machine under pressure from the military or politicians – it did it itself as its editor-in-chief Alli Wiherheimon under.
The subject is extremely interesting, but in Aunila’s recent six-part radio series, the main thing is to forget a little bit.
The travel story full of Aunila’s dissertation, which captures the role of the subject itself, has been raised as the dramaturgical frame story of the series.
Quotes from Home Stove are scatterable, but as such, an entertaining frame eats up their power. Such a strong subject would not need gimmicks.
Expedition to war propaganda, Radio 1 at 5:10 p.m., and Arena.
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