A councilor dressed in the flag of England to go to a ceremony for the Falklands and had to apologize

In a ceremony for the Day of the Veterans and Fallen in Malvinas in the town of Pichanal, in Salta, a local councilor committed a failure in his dress code that generated controversy. Iván Basterra, of the Movement Free from the South, put on a shirt that said “London” (London) chest and english flag on the back.

By transcending the images, he admitted his label error and publicly apologized to the heroes and relatives of the veterans, the local newspaper reported The Tribune.

“I want to make public my discharge for what has transpired in these two days by me involuntary disrespect towards all the heroes who gave their lives to defend our Falkland Islands “, started a post on Facebook.

“Ask all of them my my sincerely apologiesI already did it last night personally speaking with each one of them and today I want to do it publicly, “he continued.

Basterra said he felt “a lot of shame” about his look mistake. “Far from my spirits and customs is making fun of those who deserve all my admiration and respect,” he clarified.

A councilor went to an act in the Malvinas with a shirt that alluded to England. Photo capture.

“It was an oversight on my part to put on that shirt which I have used it many times without giving it any particular meaning, I didn’t realize when I put it on, “he defended.

In his message he said that “people who know me know that I would never do something like that on purpose to insult the national symbols. “

To make his position clear, Basterra resorted to capital letters in his post: “The mistake I made does not take away THE PRIDE OF BEING ARGENTINE, I CARRY IT IN THE DEEPEST OF MY CHEST”.

On his chest, however, it read London,the way to call the English capital in that language. No advisor warned you about the costumes for the act and from there the image of the controversy went viral.


#councilor #dressed #flag #England #ceremony #Falklands #apologize

source https://pledgetimes.com/a-councilor-dressed-in-the-flag-of-england-to-go-to-a-ceremony-for-the-falklands-and-had-to-apologize/