Biden will make his first trip abroad to attend the G7 and NATO summit

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In June, Joe Biden will make his first international trip as president of the United States to the United Kingdom and then to Belgium, to attend the G7 meeting and the NATO summit, respectively. The goal will be to improve relations deteriorated by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

From June 11 to 13, US President Joe Biden will be in Cornwall, UK, where he will hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7), including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This was announced this Friday by the White House in a statement.

The purpose of the trip is to highlight the “commitment of the President of the United States to restore our alliances, revitalize the transatlantic relationship and work closely with our allies,” reported White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

Then, President Biden is expected to travel to the city of Brussels, Belgium, to attend the NATO Summit on June 14 and a meeting with members of the European Union (EU). “President Biden will affirm America’s commitment to NATO, transatlantic security and collective defense,” Psaki said.

Biden has had to postpone his trips abroad in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and instead has virtually met with the leaders of Canada, Mexico and Ireland.

Last week, the president received Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at the White House for his first in-person meeting with a world leader since taking office.

Additionally, Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to make her first overseas trip in June to Mexico and Guatemala, to address the root causes of migration from Central America.

In favor of improving transatlantic and multilateral relations

During the meeting with the leaders of the G7, Joe Biden hopes to reinforce his commitment to multilateralism and promote some of the priorities of the United States in the area of ​​public health, economic recovery and the climate crisis.

At the press conference at the White House, the press secretary, Jen Psaki, said that the United States Government has chosen the United Kingdom as the first destination to show the “special relationship” it has with that country.

Psaki did not confirm, at the moment, if Biden will have a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Pski added that, in the meeting with the EU, the president will put on the table the issues of “the common agenda to guarantee global health security, stimulate economic recovery, fight against climate change, promote digital and commercial cooperation, strengthen democracy and addressing foreign policy concerns ”.

The meeting with the members of NATO on June 14 occurs when this military organization faces the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the deployment of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the meeting is a “unique opportunity” to strengthen the link between Europe and North America.

According to Stoltenberg, among the issues that the allies will address, it is expected to promote a reinvention of NATO, to turn it into a space in which the allies can resolve their differences.

The era of Donald Trump ended, but many still remember when the former president threatened to leave the organization. The rise of Biden allowed a quick reconciliation between the United States and the international body.

With Reuters, EFE and local media

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