Formosa and the Kirchnerist ‘reality’

Kirchnerism made a sinuous and detailed account that pretends to be reality. So much so that reality no longer exists, it has no place. Ultimately, reality becomes diffuse, so irrelevant that it cannot displace the simulacrum. In this case, the data that from the truth contradict the official vision, have their well-known antibodies: for them they are montages of journalism or the insensitive opposition.

Thus they created the rift, a way to build power, but also the way that allows them to exercise it. This model is compatible with current communication formats, where virtuality became the main thing and reality the accessory. As in a reality show, where an illusion is generated about something that is not actually happening.

The problem is the facts are so misaligned that there is no story, tweets, or media that can mask them, so they resort to silence. They choose to say nothing because there are no options left but to do the right thing. This is happening with Formosa.

This is the consequence of a permanent state of exception, that is the proposal of the crack. The exception in the State allows action to circumvent controls, counterweights and transparency. The friend-enemy logic enables speed, the urgent, the exception, the violation of rules in the face of a supposed superior good.

In politics, the exception allows the renunciation of critical thinking, of one’s own ideas and flags. So the drill needs to make us believe that the model of caring for the poor involves caring for a governor who persecutes them.

Paternalistic political models, where a leader determines and adjusts social needs and orders the tensions that the movement has inwardly, make conflict invisible and blind.

It is a sacrifice that the leader demands from the base without any kind of concession. When they ask that Insfrán be defended from the supposed attack by the hegemonic media, they are saying that ideals must be renounced so that the process of transformation that nothing changes can continue.

The Cámpora, which has the folklore of rebellion and transformation within the ruling party, is today the most conservative and disciplining organization. They exercise real and symbolic power, from such pragmatism that they make young people try to silence and justify corruption or the violation of Human Rights in Formosa.

The crack that drags us into silence is the maximum expression of political violence.

Many militants of Kirchnerism are confused and see us putting into words what they are prohibited from saying. I call on them to ask themselves, what are they defending and where in history are they falling?

Argentina needs to get out of the logic of the crack, it needs to be able to heal with words and then with deeds. This thoughtless position that they propose to us with the crack is absolute submission to a supposed opaque strategy for its militants, and the assured defeat of those who enter this mud unsuspecting.

When someone, even in good faith, maintains that “the situation that exists in Formosa is comparable to the people in the situation of people in the City of Buenos Aires,” they remind us of the speeches of the military during the dictatorship, when they said they were facing a anti-Argentine campaign. Now is the antiformosa campaign. Saying what is happening in Formosa is in favor of its people, there is no other way to interpret it.

This note is aimed at those who are confused. To those militants who feel uncomfortable in the face of the complicity of their government. As long as politics holds its key to omerta, to channel conflicts within, the gap with reality will widen more and more. The problems of society are discussed in the face of society, if not, the only thing that is being done is complicit silence.

Hernán Reyes is a CABA (Civic Coalition) legislator

#Formosa #Kirchnerist #reality
