Half of self-employed Russians refused to come out of the shadows

Almost every second Russian self-employed does not register a business or self-employment. The majority cites tax oppression and problems in lending as the reason for refusing legal activity, follows from the results of a survey of the online service YouDo.com and the business platform of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). A copy of the document is at the disposal of Lenta.ru.

Among 2,860 people from different regions of Russia who earn money on their own business, 53 percent of the respondents admitted that they work “in the shadows”. The remaining 47 percent of the respondents have registered their professional activity: 32 percent of them are self-employed, 10 percent are individual entrepreneurs, 5 percent have the status of a legal entity.

The respondents who work for themselves unofficially are intimidated by the obligation to pay taxes, the lack of social benefits and contributions to the pension fund. Also, the respondents see the new status of self-employed as problems with lending by banks. Thus, according to a recent study of the online supermarket “Online-Ipoteka”, self-employed people are more often than many other categories of borrowers being refused a mortgage.

Businessmen without Russian citizenship and those who have not found a permanent income are not yet ready to agree to registration of employment.

“The number of self-employed people who have officially confirmed their tax status is actively growing, this is shown by statistics – over the past year their number has increased 4 times, and at the moment it is more than 2 million people. And according to various sources, the potential self-employed in the country is from 15 to 20 million people. This tax regime can radically change the labor market, first of all, by digitizing a significant number of employees who are now in the gray zone or have illegal employment, ”said Denis Kutergin, co-founder of YouDo.com.

According to another study conducted in mid-April by Hayes Bank, most of the shadow business is in the Far East (20 percent of the respondents out of 1200), in Siberia (15.7 percent), in the Volga region and in the South of Russia (11.9 percent each).

#selfemployed #Russians #refused #shadows

source https://pledgetimes.com/half-of-self-employed-russians-refused-to-come-out-of-the-shadows/