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HS Järvenpää “Wide-ranging exclusion” pushed the metropolitan area in the North of the municipalities’ road safety nosedive

Why are the municipalities of Central Uusimaa far from the top when comparing the street safety of Finnish municipalities? HS asked the police for reasons for the phenomenon.

Central Uusimaa municipalities were last year measuring street safety in the police street safety index With the exception of Tusuula, among the weakest ranked municipalities.

The police assess the development of the municipal safety situation on the basis of the street safety index. The index figure takes into account, among other things, assaults, robberies, drunk driving and injuries that are typically committed in public places.

Serious crimes, such as aggravated assaults and aggravated robberies, are given more weight than minor acts. The number of crimes is proportional to the population of each municipality in the index.

Index number the value is compared with the value of Finland as a whole in 1999. If the ratio was higher than 100 in 2020, street safety was better than in 1999.

Chief Commissioner Jussi Huhtela The police in Eastern Uusimaa say that population growth is a big explanatory factor for the low ranking of Hyvinkää, Järvenpää and Kerava in the street safety index.

“A lot of people are moving to Hyvinkää, Järvenpää and Kerava. Most residents are doing well. However, there are a small number of residents who are becoming increasingly marginalized. There has been widespread exclusion in the municipalities of Radanvarre, and the increase in exclusion is related to the increase in crime, ”says Huhtela.

Read more: The corona crisis brought a big migration gain to the neighboring municipalities of the Helsinki metropolitan area – As telework continues, migration is accelerating, the researcher estimates

A lot of people also move to Tuusula, but the municipality’s ranking is still significantly better in the street safety index. According to Huhtela, the better placement is due to the fact that Tuusula is slightly on the side of the main track.

“Tuusula is a more dominated area than Hyvinkää, Kerava or Järvenpää. Tuusula also does not have as large apartment building concentrations as Hyvinkää, Kerava or Järvenpää. ”

View of the Tuusula field. With the exception of Hyrylä, Tuusula is a fairly rural area, which can have an impact on crime statistics.­

In the Street Safety Index therefore beatings are taken into account. However, the index does not distinguish between whether the assaults took place in a public place or in a private home. If only assaults in a public place are taken into account, street safety has not deteriorated excessively in the municipalities of Central Uusimaa, according to Huhtela.

“The number of assaults and robberies in public places in Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Kerava and Tuusula increased somewhat last year compared to the previous year.”

According to Huhtela, it is important for maintaining street safety that nausea among young people can be prevented through so-called anchor activities and other preventive activities. At an early stage, anchoring focuses on promoting the well-being of young people and preventing crime. Experts from the police, social services, health services and youth work are involved in anchoring.

“For example, if you do more than two per mille in a drunken station, the likelihood of being subjected to violence increases.”

Huhtela says that the police have also directed surveillance in the municipalities of Central Uusimaa to areas where the probability of disturbances is higher in order to maintain street safety.

“The police have identified the areas of interference to which the police patrols are going. The number of implementation tasks has increased during the first half of the year compared to last year. ”

Police have also stressed to the patrol the need for child protection notices.

“If the police meet a minor drunk, a child protection declaration must always be made. It has also been emphasized to the patrols that the child protection declaration must also be recorded in the police systems. ”

Although According to Huhtela, the ranking of the municipalities of Central Uusimaa is low when measuring street safety, an ordinary citizen does not have to fear being subjected to violence when moving on the street.

“An ordinary person can move very safely throughout Finland. There is a small chance that he would fall victim to a street robbery. Their own behavior can affect their safety. For example, if you do more than two per mille in a drunk station, the likelihood of being subjected to violence increases. ”

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