Link between Johnson & Johnson vaccine and thrombosis to be tested in Europe

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is investigating the link between the Janssen coronavirus vaccine and subsequent blood clots. This is reported Online regulator.

Janssen is a vaccine from Johnson & Johnson. The EMA’s Pharmacological Risk Assessment Committee has launched a review “in response to a warning signal of reports of thromboembolic complications in people who received Janssen vaccine for COVID-19.

The EMA reported that one case of blood clots was recorded during clinical trials, and three during vaccinations in the United States. In one of these cases, Janssen, who had been vaccinated with the vaccine, died. “It is currently unclear whether there is a causal relationship between vaccination with Janssen and these consequences,” the regulator said.

Earlier, a number of European countries suspended or banned vaccination with AstraZeneca due to the detection of thrombosis in vaccinated patients. Meanwhile, the creators of the vaccine insist on its safety. The company said that a detailed study of the health status of more than 17 million people after vaccination showed no data on an increased risk of pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis or thrombocytopenia.

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