New phase 3 and alignment with the Nation, the axes of the new restrictions in Greater Buenos Aires

Greater Buenos Aires and the most populated cities of the Province will return from the first minute of this Friday to a new Phase 3 isolation, in an attempt to stop the onslaught of the second wave of coronavirus.

In line with the announcements of the Presidency, Axel Kicillof agreed with the mayors of the suburbs the adoption of more restrictive measures. They will be accompanied by official provisions to assist the sectors that – again – will be affected by the economic impact of the decline in the epidemiological picture.

The urge to limit citizen circulation is supported by the new record of infected: 11,059 throughout the territory of the Province. And the correlate in the fatigue on the health system: there is a 64.5% occupation of the therapy beds in the AMBA health centers.

The focus will be on contain recreation, nighttime and leisure. But in addition, the governor asked the mayors for a greater “commitment” to control each of these items. “We would have preferred that the Nation had greater limitations on recreational activity. But we will act according to the national decree,” they explained in a government office.

Kicillof will provide details at a press conference scheduled for this Thursday at 9 in the center of the Buenos Aires capital.

Kicillof will offer details of the new restrictions in the Province this Thursday at 8. Photo Mauricio Nievas

The provincial authorities will maintain the scheme of differentiation in epidemiological treatment. Until now, there were 110 communes in phase 4 and 25 in phase 5 of social distancing or new normality. “It is probable that with the multiplication of cases that has been registered since that map was established -on March 30-, more than half of the Province stay in the new phase 3 “, health sources explained.

45 o’clock bingo rooms and the seven casinos provincial they will close again its doors until -at least- the last day of April.

The face-to-face activity in schools it will be maintained “depending on the particular situation of each district,” as argued by the Government. The first union demonstrations have already appeared demanding a “return to virtuality” and the suspension of the attendance of teachers and students to the classrooms.

Kicillof seeks to buy time. A year ago it was to “strengthen the health system.” Now for extend vaccination. This Wednesday another record was registered: it was the application of immunization doses. As officially reported, 82,138 injections were given.

That was also discussed with the mayors. And of shift the weight of the controls of the new provisions. The communal leaders of the opposition asked the Government for a more intense and coordinated teamwork between the municipalities and the acceleration of the tests to identify possible infected and isolate them automatically.

“Measures to limit or restrict activities are useless if we do not test, isolate and vaccinate intensively,” said the mayor of Vicente López, Jorge Macri.

The mayors argue that if the 320 municipal vaccinations are used, 75% of the population living in the districts led by the opposition could be immunized.

The SUTEBA vaccination center in San Isidro. Photo Lucia Merle

The SUTEBA vaccination center in San Isidro. Photo Lucia Merle

In the virtual meeting there was also a request to emphasize public policies for assist sectors of the economy that are affected. Kicillof sent two bills to the provincial Legislature, one for Productive Strengthening and another for Unified Monotax, which through a moratorium on the payment of patrimonial debts and a simplified gross income regime seek to benefit more than 4 million taxpayers and 3,800 companies, including SMEs. The objective is to underpin the productive recovery of the Province, explained in the Interior.

Some municipalities anticipated restrictions. The mayor of La Plata, Julio Garro (JxC), decided to restrict the closure of night activities at 0 am from Monday and to prohibit artistic manifestations in bars and breweries, given the growth of infections in the city. With therapy rooms at 90% occupancy in the provincial capital and more than 800 positive cases daily, urgent measures were imposed. It also agreed with the commercial sector a restriction on customer service in non-essential shops: they will open from 9 to 19.

Inside there are also overflows due to the pandemic. Social gatherings, sports competitions and cultural, social, recreational and religious events were suspended since Tuesday in the Buenos Aires municipality of Olavarría. It was after verifying an “exponential increase in coronavirus infections”, according to the mayor Ezequiel Galli (JxC).

La Plata (Correspondent)


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