New restrictions due to the coronavirus: what can and cannot be done from today in the City

The City, along with the rest of the national territory, began this Friday from zero hour a new stage of restrictions as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Circulation is not allowed from 0 to 6, there will be no mass shows or game rooms. The controls will return and the free parking. And nonessential neighborhood businesses will have to open at 10 in the morning.

In the City of Buenos Aires, the officials who accompany the administration of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta as head of Government, expressed their rejection of the restriction of night traffic. And at the same time that they affirmed that they will respect it, they also got bars and restaurants to keep the kitchens open at 23, but that customers can stay until 24.

The new measures


As established by the national government, bars, restaurants, cinemas and theaters must close their doors at 11 and you will not be able to enter. Those who are still inside can stay to finish their meal or their function and leave before 12 at night. The gastronomic businesses can reopen at 6 o’clock.

Restriction of movement

The decree imposed it from 0 to 6. The Buenos Aires authorities clarify; “According to the national government, this measure does not aim at those who are returning home or fulfilling an essential function, but rather at avoiding concentrations of people.

The night vehicle control operations They will be in Puente de La Noria, Camino de la Ribera, the tolls for the Pan-American highway Ramal Tigre, Campana and Pilar, the Dock Sud toll, Puente Pueyrredón, Puente Avellaneda and the Central Market toll on the Richieri highway.

Due to the new restrictions, the gastronomic establishments have to close at midnight. Photo: Fernando de la Orden

Non-essential trades

Non-essential trades will open from 10 in order to stagger morning mobility and avoid agglomerations of workers, students and teachers.


The massive shows they are going to be rescheduled and they are going to close casinos and bingo halls, according to the national government.


The recommendation is to reduce the number of people indoors as much as possible. From the Buenos Aires government they explain that a large part of their team is dedicated to tasks related to COVID-19 and in customer service: in testing centers, vaccinations, hotels, airports and call centers. All the rest will work remotely and the City asks the private sector to accompany the measure.

Free parking

Going to free parking in the City so that all those who must mobilize can use the car and avoid the use of public transport, which is specially designed for essential workers, as the national Government also ordered.

Public transport

Only the essential workers, that they should not renew the permits if they have them in force. Those authorized, such as teachers and students, and those who accompany them can also travel.

Inspection and controls

The Buenos Aires government announced that controls will be strengthened in public spaces, in commercial and gastronomic areas, in public transport and in transfer centers, to guarantee compliance with the protocols and that the different activities can continue to function safely.


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