Now that there are no vaccines, they can buy vaccines

There is no better definition of authoritarianism than that of those who exercised or suffered from it. One of the most interesting characterizations was made by the Ukrainian Yuri Piatakov. Founder of communism in Ukraine, first faced Lenin at the dawn of the Russian revolution, and then to Stalin in the years leading up to World War II.

From those cruel inmates he drew the following thought. “If the party demands it, a true Bolshevik must be willing to believe that white is black and that black is white”. His rebellion did not go very well. His powerful enemies accused him of conspiring with Nazi Germany and, on a cold January morning in 1937, shot him in Moscow.

It’s funny how the fascist practices of the last century They regain validity in these times of pandemic and populism. What is white one day to the next can be black. And vice versa. You just have to be willing to defend it, as Piatakov said. Some of that happened this week to Santiago Cafiero, the official with most Peronist surname of the entire cabinet.

A few months ago, when the governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, asked him about the possibility of the provinces buying vaccines on their own, he replied that this was impossible. “Purchases are centralized by the national government”, the sanjuanino publicly resigned.

Now Santiago Cafiero says that the provinces can buy vaccines on their own. Photo: Marcelo Carroll

Uñac was not the only governor who began to distrust the number of vaccines that the government of Cristina and Alberto could achieve with their ideological market strategy. Axel Kicillof made an inquiry to see if he could buy Sputnik V on his own; Juan Schiaretti from Cordoba tried it with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, and the radical Gerardo Morales did the same from Jujuy with Chinese laboratories.

All three encountered the same barrier. Neither Russia nor China were willing to sell them vaccines outside of the agreement with the Argentine government. And private laboratories no longer have a supply of vaccines until the end of the year.

And since white can turn black the next day, Cafiero surprised last Wednesday while speaking with Marcelo Bonelli and Edgardo Alfano before the TN cameras. “The provinces and the city government can go out to buy vaccines too; it is not prohibited”, He explained this time, relying on law 27,573. It is true that the law does not expressly prohibit the importation of vaccines to the provinces as it is also true that the Government monopolized the negotiations with the countries and large laboratories that produce anti-Covid drugs.

It’s an abstract debate, no company can deliver vaccines with a contract drawn up at this time ”, said the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Fernán Quirós, always a composer and ten hours after listening to Cafiero when the City has fewer and fewer doses. Should they have done it before?


From 30 thousand to more than 1,800.00.

In his television parable, Cafiero also took the opportunity to criticize the arrival of Pfizer vaccines in Chile. “They are practically not in the region; only 30,000 arrived in Chile “, risked about the vaccines of the American pharmaceutical company that Argentina did not acquire for reasons where they are mixed political, ideological and highly competitive mysteries market with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Minutes later, the Secretary of International Economic Relations of Chile, Rodrigo Yáñez Benítez, responded to Cafiero on Twitter. “I can specify that with the 234,000 Pfizer vaccines that are arriving tomorrow we will have 1,886,625,” he corrected. White on white. Obviously, the government official of Sebastián Piñera had not read Piatakov.

Behind him if I go I come, and if I come I go from Cafiero there a structural failure of the Government that it is up to the minister to justify to share the political cost. And it is the growing failure of the strategy purchase of vaccines and the weak vaccination operation. In addition to the lack of tests, the organizational failures and the hundreds of cases of privilege vaccination, no one can honestly explain why Argentina did not agree with Pfizer, Moderna or other laboratories that would have increased the number of doses to face the real threat of the second wave.

A society burdened by inflation, unemployment and poverty must now face worst of winter. A journey with few vaccinations, in the open with a curfew that refloats the dire images of the past to which we always return.

#vaccines #buy #vaccines
