Open schools: a municipality offers groups for children to travel and asks Axel Kicillof to do the same

One week after the conflict over the suspension of face-to-face classes in the province of Buenos Aires, the mayor of Vicente López, Jorge Macri, again added pressure to ask back to the classrooms of students in your district.

He did it through the social media, and after having presented a similar appeal for protection like the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, now released a proposal to prevent the boys from circulating on public transport.

Specifically, the communal chief offers the municipal bus line: the Municipal Transport of the Bicentennial. What’s more, asks the Province to coordinate and finance a “system” of transportation “together with school transport and schools” for students in Initial and Primary Education.

On Instagram, the community chief Jorge Macri proposes an alternative to public transport for school students.

Jorge Macri, like Rodríguez Larreta, the mayor of San Isidro Gustavo Posse, and other leaders of the opposition to the national government that make up Together for Change, opposed the suspension of face-to-face classes decreed by President Alberto Fernández as part of the restrictions in order to lower coronavirus infections.

The second wave of the pandemic It has led to the saturation of private clinics and hospitals in the Federal Capital and much of the Greater Buenos Aires in recent weeks, accelerating measures to reduce circulation in the AMBA.

Among them, the provisional cancellation of face-to-face classes generated complaints from both the political opposition and from families and school transporters, who this week demonstrated en masse in the Quinta de Olivos and more North zone schools.

The communal chief segmented the age groups and educational groups "methods" alternatives to travel to schools.

The communal chief segmented into age and educational groups the alternative “methods” for traveling to schools.

Jorge Macri’s alternative

“Hello families, we want to share an alternative proposal to support face-to-face classes in the province,” begins the video that the president released in Instagram and Facebook. “We have already verified that by strictly complying with the protocols the classroom is not contagious. We listen to the worried parents for the education of their children and provincial government concerned about the circulation on the streets. But we are concerned about where the children are going to be if they are not in the classroom. It does not decrease the circulation if the parents have to take the children to the care of a relative or a friend. The places do not replace the classroom “, continues the official.

His proposal consists of segment students by educational levels. “For children in nursery schools, kindergartens and primary schools, presence is irreplaceable,” says Macri. “For this reason, families are asked to take their children to live near the schools. their cars, by bike or walking“.

For Secondary students, it offers the municipal collectives of the Bicentennial.

For Secondary students, it offers the municipal collectives of the Bicentennial.

“But for those who cannot, it is proposed to implement a system together with school transport and in coordination with schools, diagramming stop circuits. Transport could be financed by the Province through the School Council”, suggests the mayor of Vicente López .

For him Secundary level, proposes a semi-face-to-face modality and makes available to the educational community the Municipal Transportation of the Bicentennial, exclusively and free of charge, establishing new routes to schools.

In the case of adults and teacher students, Jorge Macri believes that they should continue in virtual format.

In the case of adults and teacher students, Jorge Macri believes that they should continue in virtual format.

Finally, for college students, Jorge Macri suggests maintaining the virtual class format.

“I am convinced that by resuming the dialogue with the Provincial government we can reach agreements so that face-to-face classes can return as soon as possible,” the video ends.

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