The doctor named a way to prolong youth

You can prolong the youthfulness of the body with the help of physical activity, nutrition, water, good sleep and work. About this agency RIA News said the therapist of the highest category, Director of the Directorate for the Coordination of the Activities of Medical Organizations of the Moscow Department of Health Alexei Bezymyanny.

In particular, speaking about the benefits of work, he pointed out that working pensioners live longer. However, according to him, it is desirable that the work be stress-free and associated with mental work.

The doctor also recalled the importance of regular medical examinations and examinations, which will help to identify diseases in the early stages.

Nameless noted that you can grow old in a very short period of time. To do this, it is enough to move a little, eat poorly, smoke and expose yourself to stress.

Previously, Chinese scientists have identified the ideal diet that can prolong life. Experts studied data from 26 medical studies of dietary habits, which were attended by about 1.9 million people from 29 countries and regions in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. It found that people who ate about five servings of fruits and vegetables daily had the longest life expectancy. The most beneficial were green leafy foods, as well as fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, in particular, citrus fruits, berries and carrots.

In February, it became known about the recovery from COVID-19 of a 105-year-old patient. A resident of the American state of New Jersey, Lucia DeKlerk, said that she defeated the coronavirus thanks to raisins soaked in gin, aloe juice and prayers. The woman survived the Spanish flu, two world wars, the death of three husbands and a son. Upon learning of her diagnosis, DeKlerk was frightened at first. She did not want to be isolated, and she missed the daily interaction with the nurses. The pensioner showed few symptoms, and within two weeks she was back in her room.

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