The doctor reveals the only way to avoid a hangover

Gastroenterologist Aleksey Bueverov has revealed the only way to avoid a hangover. Professor of the Department of Medical and Social Expertise, Emergency and Polyclinic Therapy of the Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov spoke about this in an interview with AiF.

According to him, a hangover can only be avoided if the person does not exceed his individual dose. The doctor noted that when drinking alcohol, one should have a good snack, and not only fatty ones, and then it will be possible to reduce suffering in the morning. At the same time, the expert recommends avoiding alcohol with an excess of higher alcohols, such as cheap wine in boxes or poorly distilled moonshine.

The gastroenterologist also added that the absence of a hangover after drinking is a bad signal and may indicate the development of the first stage of alcoholism.

Previously, scientists have discovered that the degree of intoxication depends not only on the amount drunk, but also on individual characteristics. For example, those who eat a lot of fruits break down ethyl alcohol faster due to the high activity of special enzymes.

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