The leadership of Morena closes ranks with Salgado Macedonio in his protest against the INE

Félix Salgado Macedonio and Mario Delgado, the national president of Morena, protest outside the Electoral Tribunal in Mexico City this Wednesday.SOCIAL MEDIA

Morena has made the candidacy of Félix Salgado Macedonio for governor of the State of Guerrero one of the axes of his campaign for the federal and local elections on June 6. First it was the president himself, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who turned to the politician despite the fact that two complaints of rape and other accusations of sexual harassment weigh on him. After the National Electoral Institute (INE) canceled its list at the end of March for not having presented a report on the pre-campaign expenses, the government party apparatus deepened its pulse with the organism and turned that episode into an instrument to confront with his adversaries. This Wednesday the top of the formation closed ranks with Salgado Macedonio in their protest and in their attempt to pressure the Electoral Tribunal, which should settle the case.

The national president of Morena, Mario Delgado, has joined the march led in Mexico City by Salgado Macedonio himself and a group of militants to show his support for the veteran Guerrero leader, who grew up with López Obrador in the ranks of the PRD . He announced it last night through social networks: “We are at the sit-in outside the National Electoral Institute supporting the fight for democracy and the defense of hope. Tomorrow at eight o’clock we will leave for the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power to demand that justice be done and that the right of the people of Guerrero to decide is respected ”. Raúl Morón, whose candidacy for governor of Michoacán was also invalidated, has also come to the protest.

Salgado Macedonio, whose candidacy generated a deep malaise even in the ranks of the Government, has challenged the decision of the INE and has assured on multiple occasions that he will be a candidate. On his part he has the power structure of the so-called Fourth Transformation. Since the accusations against him were known, he has had the support of Morena’s management and the president. “I thank my brother and leader Mario Delgado, for his solidarity support in our struggle. We will fight until the last moment, so that the will of the people is respected ”, he stated.

His case has served Morena, who heads the polls, to intensify his polarization strategy and attack the INE, trying to present it as an institution of the past. And now that López Obrador cannot openly campaign from his platform at morning press conferences, everything falls to the visible heads of the organization. In a video released by the party, Delgado abounds in the thesis of the break with the previous administrations and has no qualms about attacking the referee.

“In 2018 the people of Mexico decided that Andrés Manuel López Obrador should be president and that he also have a majority in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Chamber of Senators to carry out the project of the Fourth Transformation. In this 2021, people continue to support us. Practically all the forecasts indicate that Morena and his allies will once again have the majority. This has the corruption mafia very irritated. That same old rapacious minority and its employees of the PRI, the PAN and the PRD “, affirms the leader of the formation, who comes to speak of a” dark and shameful maneuver “of” some INE advisers related to the PRIAN “. To the equation of Salgado Macedonio, Delgado also adds the appointment of the so-called multi-member deputies, which in reality is a controversy that has generated division within the party by which one sector considers a ruse by the leadership to exclude critical candidates.

“I tell these councilors that it is valid that they do not coincide with our project, with our principles, with our values, but if they want to confront us, join the political party of their bosses and compete in a democratic way and not from the position in the INE , which should be of absolute transparency and impartiality. It shows to them prianistas ”, Delgado has continued in his climb. The Interior Secretary, Olga Sánchez Cordero, was more subtle in her criticism of the electoral authority and on Tuesday she limited herself to saying that the referee must be impartial. The president of the National Electoral Institute, Lorenzo Córdova, replied: “Today it has been said that the referee must be discreet and neutral. I totally agree! But it must be added: being discreet and neutral does not mean being ignorant and indifferent to violations of the law, but quite the opposite; Faced with this, it must be strict and punctual ”.

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