The Mario Meoni tragedy forced the Government to suspend the announcement of new restrictions

Until Friday at midnight, the Government was on its way to prepare a new plan to face the pandemic that in the ruling party is considered growing. President Alberto Fernández and the Governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kiciloff, had met for two hours and fifteen minutes at the Casa Rosada together with the Deputy Minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak. Among other health variables, they studied the occupancy of intermediate and intensive therapy beds in the province, and different hypothesis about the growth of infections of Covid-19 in the Province and in the City of Buenos Aires. They concluded that the situation was too close to a impending crisis.

They put aside and they did not consult on the subject to the authorities of the Porteña Headquarters, under the command of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. The meeting ended around eight thirty at night. According to sources from the ruling party and the opposition aware of that back room, the Head of State and the governor have agreed that in the next few days they would announce the implementation of new measures to impose even more restrictions on mobility of those that had already been imposed the week before.

That communication to society would have been scheduled for tonight It was planned that yesterday afternoon they would continue meetings between government political and technical teams. Then he died the Minister of Transport, Mario Meoni, a leader respected and loved not only by the Cabinet and the President, but also by opposition leaders.

Fernández received that news that he would never have wanted to hear from the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Massa, a friend and political boss of Meoni, who called the presidential cell phone at around midnight on Friday.

Neither Fernández nor Massa slept. They exchanged news about that surprise death, unleashed in a fatal moment during a traffic accident.

At 7:20 a.m. on Saturday they cried together when they spoke again for the umpteenth time. Catharsis of a shared pain.

Of course, as is obvious and to be expected in the face of such a misfortune, the work of the Government, at the vast majority of its levels, was halted. Work on the new pandemic plan as well. There will be no announcements.

Ministers, secretaries of state, legislators, mayors, government officials and opponents, suspended their activities to travel to the city where he lived and where Meoni was mayor, Junín.

Many of these politicians wanted to be present at those funerals or to record from a distance that they accompanied the minister’s loved ones who he had earned a transversal affection: a collective condolences were experienced. The President dictated three days of national mourning.

In one of the paragraphs of that measure, he recorded the work of Meoni on the measures to slow down circulation amid the scourge of the coronavirus. The President and Governor of Buenos Aires will resume their agenda when the human and political upheaval subsides.

One of the political dilemmas that they had analyzed together was whether they should reconvene meetings to diagram the new restrictions on the Buenos Aires chief. Rodríguez Larreta became the new enemy of the ruling party in a pandemic since he resisted the closure of schools and face-to-face classes for Buenos Aires students, as ordered by a Decree of Necessity and Urgency signed by the President. This measure was prosecuted until a resolution was reached to be taken by the Supreme Court of Justice.

What was the new restriction plan that the ruling party would announce this Sunday or in the next few days? The Buenos Aires governor Kiciloff was convinced that the occupation of the beds of Covid-19 patients in the public and private health system of Buenos Aires can saturate in an accelerated way and without the possibility of reaction from the State. The analyzes of the contagions studied by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health are even more worrying.

On Sunday 18, in statements to Radio Miter, the Deputy Minister of the area, Kreplak, estimated them for the coming days, at “50 thousand per day”, which if confirmed would be “incompatible” with the “capacity of the health system “from Buenos Aires to” continue caring for “the new patients from the pandemic.

Both the President and the Governor consider it essential to have the coordination of the Porteña Headquarters to mitigate the hypothetical drama that they envision as a whole.

The National Government and the Buenos Aires government deepened through public statements by their most relevant officials, including the President and the provincial president, that Rodríguez Larreta is irresponsible in the midst of a pandemic with an end that is still difficult to measure, and that due to his Decisions to impose more restrictions put the Greater Buenos Aires at risk, and even other provinces.

There are two leaders who in recent days insist on holding Rodríguez Larreta responsible for any bad future generated by the plague, but also insist on ending any relationship between the Casa Rosada and the Porteña Headquarters. With nothing more and nothing less than the vice president, Cristina Fernández, and her son, the head of the block of Deputies K, Máximo Kirchner. The mother and son were convinced that Rodríguez Larreta is using the measures on the pandemic to differentiate himself from the ruling party because in this way he is positioned as new opposition leader in election year.

The Porteño Chief insists on dialogue with his ministers: “I always bet on dialogue. There are always chances to get back together with Alberto and Axel.” Neither the President nor Kiciloff have such a closed position on Rodríguez Larreta as the Kirchners.

Although they criticize him in public, and even officials such as the head of PAMI, the “camper” Luana Volnovich denounced the Buenos Aires administration on vaccination, the dialogue between the middle government officials and the Buenos Aires Headquarters continues. The Buenos Aires deputy chief, Diego Santilli, never cut off his communications with the Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello. He was even seen in a brief meeting with the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Berni. The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, talks daily with her Buenos Aires counterpart, Fernán Quirós. Even Rodríguez Larreta himself spoke by phone with Kiciloff last week.

Will the political consensus between the ruling party and the Buenos Aires opposition return regarding the pandemic? The continued dialogues Despite the public confrontation, they were confirmed by sources from the Frente de Todos and Juntos por el Cambio aware of these conversations.

Rodríguez Larreta also speaks, often, with Massa. But due to a long personal friendship in which, in any case, politics always intersects.

Clarion was able to know that a part of Rodríguez Larreta’s Cabinet considers that this I should go back to the dialogue with the Casa Rosada. What will the City of Buenos Aires do if the Government imposes more restrictions without consulting the Buenos Aires authorities? One of those authorities responds from anonymity: “They would put us at a crossroads. Perhaps our intransigence, which we defend with concrete data on the not-so-critical growth of the pandemic, could cause us some surprising problem, or give the image to society of a rebellion that could saturate due to so much fighting …. “.

What measures did the Casa Rosada and the Buenos Aires Governor plan?

“We have to go to a total quarantine and close everything “, repeated in several interviews the Buenos Aires Security Minister, Sergio Berni, who usually acts as a spokesman for Kiciloff.

The same scenario of total confinement is the one that most convinces the governor that He relayed it to the President during his meeting on Friday night, according to official sources told this newspaper. The President is aware of the difficulty of dictating such a strict measure.

Not because he takes it into account as necessary to stop Covid-19, but because he analyzes together with his advisers that probably an isolation of this style could be resisted by a good part of Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires society, which could generate complaints and street protests, in addition to the lack of effectiveness from the health point of view.

Although the Casa Rosada officials who work on the issue repeat the same motto: “Nothing is ruled out, this is day by day, It will depend on the level of infections and deaths, which is still high. “

Does the President plan to issue a new suspension of classes that affects Buenos Aires and the Federal Capital again despite the resistance of Rodríguez Larreta?

The Supreme Court could delay its ruling in this regard until April 30. On that day, the Decree of the President, which is under judicial dispute, becomes invalid. There are five business days until April 30. Eternity for national politics.

All scenarios regarding official plans, fights or reconciliations with the opposition, can occur. Or quite the opposite. The future did not come.

#Mario #Meoni #tragedy #forced #Government #suspend #announcement #restrictions
