The new restrictions will come out by decree, but the Government seeks the shielding of a law

Almost 14 months after the pandemic began, the Government began to analyze in the last hours the possibility of sending a law to Congress to give you a Regulatory framework to restrictions on the movement and activity of people by the coronavirus.

This time, the decisions will come in a Decree of Necessity and Urgency signed by the President and the ministers to be published this Friday, but the Casa Rosada will present the idea of agree on a project with the opposition in the next few weeks to shield the measures of legal claims and complaints that flourished with the last DNU, which ordered the schools to be closed for two weeks and was rendered ineffective in the City of Buenos Aires due to an appeal filed by a group of parents of students.

That ruling of the Buenos Aires justice that kept the Buenos Aires schools active It opened up to the Supreme Court the possibility of letting the days go by until the April DNU deadline expired. “One thing was the social pressure that the Court was going to feel with the schools closed and another is what we have with the children in the classrooms,” a court official explained to this newspaper.

At this time, neither the Nation, nor the City nor the Court itself they seem eager for that definition to be sped up. The Court because it prefers that the dispute be resolved through conversations between the jurisdictions and the Nation and the City because they fear that a “Solomonic” ruling of the court finished narrowing the decision margins of politics for the coming months.

With a law, the Government will seek save legal weakness who had the measures taken in recent months, which violated rights due to the emergency.

The plan still was not presented to the opposition blocs in Congress but yeah circulated among mayors and governors of Peronism, a human group that did not spontaneously and persistently go into the military the measures of the last DNU.

Those leaders prefer that unpleasant measures are taken by the government national, and if Alberto Fernández manages to achieve the necessary political consensus that is necessary for a law to be voted in the two houses of Congress, governors and mayors will be exempt from giving explanations to their constituencies.

In recent days, after the maximum tension caused by the measures taken without consultation two weeks ago, the City and the Nation managed to talk again.

In those dialogues, officials of different levels presented the positions of their political bosses in reserve after several days of public discussion.

Without reaching the concord that existed a year ago – when a level of agreement was reached between the ruling party and the opposition on the policies against COVID that almost did not exist in other countries of the world – the envoys of Fernández and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta exchanged points of view on the restrictions that will affect the City.

Of course, mistrust between the President and the Head of Government persists, and a proof of this is that until late on Wednesday, in Rodríguez Larreta’s team They did not know how it would look in the new DNU the order to close schools.

This Thursday there will be meetings between heads of Cabinet of the Nation, the City and the Province of Buenos Aires and it is probable that there it will be determined how the “Managed presence” in the schools promoted by the Casa Rosada and that can already be seen in the Buenos Aires schools since February.

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#restrictions #decree #Government #seeks #shielding #law
