The notary warned of the risk for the legal heirs of losing the apartment

The heirs of the first stage may lose the apartment to which they had the right by law, if they do not take the necessary steps to enter the inheritance. Told about it “RIA Real Estate” notary Anna Korchemkina.

According to her, people often believe that their right to inherit real estate will arise automatically, and therefore miss the deadline and lose their property.

Korchemkina recalled that, as a general rule, the inheritance can be accepted within six months from the date of opening the inheritance.

The notary explained that according to Article 1155 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, at the request of the heir who missed the deadline for accepting the inheritance, the court can restore this deadline and recognize the heir as having taken over. However, for this, it will be necessary to prove that the term for the entry into the inheritance was missed for a good reason.

“In practice, there have been cases when the courts refused to restore the heirs who had missed the deadline for accepting the inheritance. And after the deadline for the acceptance of the inheritance by the heirs of the first stage, under certain circumstances, the heirs of the next stages can exercise their right to inheritance, “Korchemkina emphasized.

According to her, in order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to contact a notary in time.

In February, lawyer Oleg Sukhov said that professional swindlers are able to re-register real estate to themselves without the knowledge and consent of the owners. According to him, the attackers, having forged the passport of the owner of the apartment, can submit an application to the Federal Register and sign a sale and purchase agreement, according to which the housing is transferred to the new owner.

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