The Russian Federation proposed to introduce a limit on electricity consumption

In Russia, it was proposed to switch to a progressive scale of electricity tariffs for the population, when a higher payment is set for consumption above the maximum norm. This initiative was sent to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin by the Union of Consumers of the Russian Federation.

“It is proposed to take a maximum of 100 kWh per month per person as a benchmark. For an additional person living with him, add another 50 kWh, and if there is an electric stove, multiply the indicator by 1.5. But each region should be given the opportunity to establish its own standard – for example, depending on the geographical latitude, that is, the length of daylight hours, ”said the chairman of the Consumers Union, Pyotr Shelishch, to Izvestia.

The letter from the union has been received by the government apparatus and will be considered in accordance with the established procedure, the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers told Izvestia.

“Differentiated tariffs based on consumption volumes are established in many countries of the world. Their main principle is to stimulate people to save. Those who manage to use electricity prudently pay less, “Irina Bulgakova, chair of the expert council of the State Duma committee on housing policy and housing and communal services, head of the public council commission under the Ministry of Construction, told Izvestia.

Now Russians consume an average of 90 kWh per month, said Svetlana Razorotneva, executive director of NP ZhKKH Control. The progressive scale should be used only for actually used energy, excluding general house expenses from the accounting (now these types of consumption are counted together), she said. In addition, we need a systematic program to improve the energy efficiency of both the houses themselves and help citizens to buy economical household appliances, the expert added.

Read more in the exclusive material from Izvestia:

Tariff closure: in the Russian Federation proposed to introduce a limit on electricity consumption

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