Three people were detained for selling counterfeit banknotes in Sevastopol

Police in Sevastopol detained three people suspected of selling counterfeit banknotes. It is assumed that the attackers managed to put into circulation 200 thousand rubles in the form of forgeries.

According to the Russian MIA Administration for Sevastopol, the suspects purchased counterfeit banknotes via the Internet. Men were careful when buying expensive goods. They changed their appearance, used masks, glasses and other methods of conspiracy. Writes about this IA “Kryminform”.

During the check, the police found a cache in the forest with 70 denominations of 5,000 rubles. A criminal case was initiated against the detainees under the article “Production, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit money or securities.”

In 2020, 48.3 thousand counterfeit bills were found in the country’s banking system, such statistics were published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The department added that most often counterfeit money can be found in markets, fairs, in small stores and other places where there is no equipment for checking the authenticity of bills.

#people #detained #selling #counterfeit #banknotes #Sevastopol
