United States vs Jodie Foster

Films about legal proceedings are, almost in themselves, a genre of their own. AND The Mauritanian, with Jodie foster, Tahar Rahim and Benedict Cumberbatch, almost does not get to show the courts and the judge lowering the hammer asking for order.


It’s not The Mauritanian What The Chicago 7 trial, inasmuch as it is not what happens in the Court that matters, but everything before it.

Jodie Foster won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress. Photo BF Paris

And both one film and the other are based on incredible true events.

The Mauritanian of the title is Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who spent years deprived of his liberty at Guantanamo, the US detention center in Cuba, but without formal accusations.

The “reason” why the character was suffering all kinds of humiliations there was that He was considered one of the heads of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Mohamedou Ould Slahi spent years in Guantánamo: was he one of the heads of the September 11 attack? Photo BF Paris

Mohamedou Ould Slahi spent years in Guantánamo: was he one of the heads of the September 11 attack? Photo BF Paris

His arrest was based more in suspicions than in evidence, and in associations (who answered a call from Osama bin Laden’s satellite phone, which he himself testified that he did, but …).

That he had trained, at least, who took control of the plane that crashed in the South Tower of the Twin Towers.

And that he had hosted terrorists in his home.

Benedict Cumberbatch is the one who must present the charges against the Mauritanian. Photo BF Paris

Benedict Cumberbatch is the one who must present the charges against the Mauritanian. Photo BF Paris

What counts The Mauritanian -that It is not in Argentine cinemas, but can be seen online on the Cinemark page– is based on the book Guantanamo Diary, which Slahi published in 2015. After censorship, of course, by the United States government.

Who was in power in 2015?

Barack Obama.

Shailene Woodley is Jodie Foster's assistant in the film seen on the Cinemark website. Photo BF Paris

Shailene Woodley is Jodie Foster’s assistant in the film seen on the Cinemark website. Photo BF Paris

Because what it does The Mauritanian is to focus on how Slahi’s rule of law was violated, beginning in the George W. Bush government (he is arrested two months after the attack) and charges, with name and surname, against Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense of the Government between 2001 and 2006.

Jodie Foster always gives peace of mind: if she plays the lawyer who defended Slahi, it will be for a reason. She dyed her hair white to play Nancy Hollander, who believes that “the evidence that the United States Government has they are inadmissible”.

Tahar Rahim, also the protagonist of "The snake", by Netflix. Photo BF Paris

Tahar Rahim, also the star of “The Serpent”, on Netflix. Photo BF Paris

On the other side, there is Stuart Couch (Benedict Cumberbatch, another who usually inspires maximum confidence), the military man who his colleagues encourage and convince that he must press charges against the Mauritanian.

The illegitimacy, basically, of the practices with the detainee, and the “untidiness” of the euphemistically considered interrogations make the viewer, faced with what he sees (Slahi recalls in letters that he sends everything that happened to his lawyer), is inclined to consider it innocent.

It was?

Jodie Foster, the actress who won two Oscars. Photo BF Paris

Jodie Foster, the actress who won two Oscars. Photo BF Paris

That neither the CIA, the Department of Defense, nor the United States Government have apologized exempts other comments.

Kevin McDonald, the director of The last king of Scotland and The secrets of powerHe is not afraid to show the bad practices of Americans who “do not defend the rights of the Constitution”, perhaps because he is Scottish.

Your work is effective, and the film from the beginning, you can tell where it is pointing.

The protagonist does not have a good time at the military base in Cuba. Photo BF Paris

The protagonist does not have a good time at the military base in Cuba. Photo BF Paris

Tahar Rahim, born in France and star of The snake, the recently released miniseries on Netflix, is the engine that drives the film forward. He assumes the leading role and changes his state of mind according to the situations that the script poses, something schematic, it is true.

Foster, Cumberbatch and Shailene Woodley (The descendants, as an assistant to Foster’s lawyer) they comply with what they are asked in this good film that, inexplicably, does not go through Argentine cinemas.

“The Mauritanian”


Drama. USA / UK, 2021. Original title: “The Mauritanian”. 127 ‘, SAM 16. From: Kevin McDonald. With: Jodie Foster, Tahar Rahim, Benedict Cumberbatch, Shailene Woodley. Available in: Cinemark cineonline (https://ift.tt/3mv3gmI).

#United #States #Jodie #Foster

source https://pledgetimes.com/united-states-vs-jodie-foster/