Wilfand warned of the dangers of the May sun

The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, warned that the ultraviolet radiation index will begin to reach dangerous levels in May.

According to the specialist, it is then that the Hydrometeorological Center will begin to make forecasts about the “dangerous sun” in order to warn residents of the country about the dangers of being in direct sunlight without additional protection for the skin and eyes.

He also noted that the most dangerous ultraviolet light appears when the sun is high in the sky.

“The day of the vernal equinox has just passed, and the sun is still rising low. Think [индекс ультрафиолетового излучения]I think we’ll start in mid-May. In the Southern Federal District earlier – approximately in the second half of April – at the end of April “, – quotes his words TASS on Monday, April 5th.

The April sun is safe, as it has little ultraviolet radiation, and is also useful and gives a good tan, the meteorologist noted.

Earlier, Roman Vilfand said that the regions of the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts, as well as the south of the Black Earth Region, could be threatened by drought in summer.

Summer drought risks in these regions were formed due to the deficiency of productive moisture in the soil. According to the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, in other regions the situation will develop normally.

#Wilfand #warned #dangers #sun

source https://pledgetimes.com/wilfand-warned-of-the-dangers-of-the-may-sun/