A man found a mysterious creature with “angel wings” on the beach

A resident of the American state of West Virginia found a mysterious creature with “angel wings” on a beach in North Carolina. This is reported by The Mirror.

Kenny Harris, 42, was vacationing with his family in Outer Banks. In the morning, he went for a walk along the beach alone and saw that something was lying on the sand. The American came closer and saw a dead gargoyle-like creature.

Harris stressed that he travels to Outer Banks twice a year, but has never seen anything like it before.

The man posted photos on social networks. Many locals were as puzzled as Harris himself. Some suggested that he found a chupacabra, others suggested that it was a cross between a fish and a bat.

“I’ve been fishing in this place for years and have never seen anything like it,” wrote one of the users. “This is the result of dumping toxic waste into our oceans,” said another. Another user found the creature to be similar to a Dementor from the Harry Potter book series.

In the end, Harris came to the conclusion that he had found the American Angelfish – a type of flat-bodied shark. This species spends most of its time burrowing in sediment at the bottom of the ocean, awaiting prey. Angels of the sea are usually non-aggressive towards humans, but can cause serious injury if provoked.

Earlier it became known that the Scottish woman discovered the skeleton of a mysterious creature while walking with a dog. Many believed that the woman had found the remains of a relative of the Loch Ness monster, a dinosaur, or even the legendary kraken.

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source https://pledgetimes.com/a-man-found-a-mysterious-creature-with-angel-wings-on-the-beach/