Bundestag election: Söder rejects coalition under the Green Chancellor

C.SU chief Markus Söder excludes participation in a government coalition not led by the Union. “If the Union no longer provides the Chancellor, then it is de facto voted out. And a party that has been voted out has to take a different path of renewal – in the opposition, ”said the Bavarian Prime Minister to the newspapers of the Funke media group. With regard to the Greens, who are strong in surveys, he said: “I think green-black is wrong. Entering a government as a junior partner of the Greens would cause fundamental damage to the Union in the long run. ”However, he was convinced“ that the Union will be ahead in the end ”.

Söder called for an economic program to stimulate the economy after the corona pandemic. “The goal must be the digital and ecological transformation of our economy. That requires large investments. Otherwise we will lose dramatic ground in the competition with China and the USA. ”Regarding the scope of the program, he said that this would have to be shown. “At the moment I’m a little worried about the federal budget. The Federal Finance Minister may have made air bookings that we do not yet have an overview of. After the general election, we need an honest opening balance. “

Free parking for electric cars

The CSU “clearly” rejects tax increases, said Söder. “We rather want to lower taxes through a climate tax reform: The higher CO2 price must be offset by a reduction in electricity tax and the EEG surcharge and supplemented by climate depreciation and tax exemptions for small regenerative energy systems.” He could also imagine creating advantages for cars with alternative drives. “We could make parking in the city center free for electric cars or let them use bus lanes. We need new public transport with a 365-euro ticket for everyone and a cycling offensive. “

Short-haul flights have already been made more expensive and the train more attractive. “I invite the Greens to come up with an idea to accelerate planning with us. Then we can build ecologically sensible railway lines faster – and the problem of short-haul flights will solve itself. ”Söder said he was in favor of ending the fossil combustion engine from 2035. It is also possible “to get out of coal energy earlier than 2038”.

There will be a joint election program for the CDU and CSU for the federal election. “But since we are an independent party that only competes in Bavaria, we have to supplement the program.”

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source https://pledgetimes.com/bundestag-election-soder-rejects-coalition-under-the-green-chancellor/