Curevac’s vaccine has a particular advantage over Biontech

  • ofValentin Betz

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The corona vaccine from the Tübingen-based company Curevac is about to be approved. The agent has a decisive advantage over the preparations that have already been approved.

Tübingen – In a very short time, the global research community has managed to develop several vaccines against the coronavirus at the same time. They do not all work on the same principle, but they offer effective protection against infection. Even so, at least two doses must be vaccinated in order to be adequately protected. That makes it difficult to produce enough vaccine. It won’t be long before the mRNA vaccine developed in Tübingen could also be approved and humanity could take another step towards herd immunity. As BW24 * reports, the vaccine from Curevac has a decisive advantage over Biontech.

After weeks of chaos, the infections go with the Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg back. The incidence is now below 100 (BW24 * reported). *BW24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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