María Eugenia Vidal, hard against Kirchnerism: ‘They said that the barbecue was going to return’

María Eugenia Vidal this Sunday again fired thick ammunition against the governments headed by Alberto Fernández and Axel Kicillof for the worrying social and health situation in which both Argentina in general and the province of Buenos Aires in particular are found.

“They campaigned saying that hunger was scandalous in Argentina and today hunger levels are much higher that in December 2019 ″, accused the referent of Together for Change in an interview with LN +.

In this sense, he demanded from the national government “an economy, a plan and a consistent course the one they kept on the campaign trail. “

They said the roast was coming back, that we were going to have a job again – much more than had been achieved – that there would be no more hunger, that there would be no more division and that retirees were going to get paid better. All this has not yet been fulfilled and in many cases it got worse, ”he stressed, at a time when the export of meat was banned to try to lower prices in the domestic market.

In addition, he responded to Kicillof, who in his press conference to announce the tightening of restrictions due to the coronavirus, made mention of the “First gesture of self-criticism of macrismo”, in reference to the decision of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires to suspend face-to-face classes.

“I would like to see that the ruling party has sincere self-criticism and honest about the handling of this pandemic and about the things that were done wrong, because it would make it much more credible for the Argentines to accompany him in what comes, “countered Vidal.

And he added: “The space that I integrate made a self-criticism, and the self-criticism is good. Did the Front of All make its self-criticism after losing in 2015? When we they said they would come back better, that happens? When they told us they were going to end the divisions and with him, hunger. Was it fulfilled? Was there learning? “

Regarding this issue, he considered that “today there is more authoritarianism”, and that he does not see “reflection on that, but internal and disqualifications between them.”

For Vidal, Fernández’s “is a government that fails to respond to what Argentines need most: vaccines. “

“If we are locked up today, it is because there were no vaccines before winter. This is the reality. Today to rule is to get the vaccine and that it arrives and that it be applied, “he insisted, in keeping with his latest statements.

Finally, consulted about her possible candidacy in the next legislative elections, or in the presidential elections of 2023, avoided giving a concrete answer with elegance.

“Today the last thing an Argentinian is interested in that he had to lock himself up at home yesterday, that he is in anguish, that he is afraid of getting sick, that he waits for the dose to reach his father or grandfather, is what am I going to do, if I am going to introduce myself, or who wants to be governor or who wants to be president in 2023, “he began.

And he concluded: “These things are what make politics sometimes feel so far away from people, and I don’t want to be a part of that. I don’t think this is the time. The election was recently delayed, there is time until july 24 to define candidates ”.


Look also
For Vidal, strict confinement was returned because the vaccination plan "it was not fulfilled before the cold arrived"

#María #Eugenia #Vidal #hard #Kirchnerism #barbecue #return
