May 2021 lunar eclipse: its influence on each sign

The first lunar eclipse of the 2021 eclipse season will occur on May 26, 2021 at 11:13 a.m. Argentina time.

It is a total lunar eclipse and a Super moon, since the Moon will be in the terrestrial perigee (close to the Earth) for which its effects on the signs will be stronger and more noticeable.

This phenomenon is also known as the Blood Moon, because when passing through the umbra, the Moon will gradually darken until it acquires a reddish appearance.

Eclipses for astrology

The eclipses They are one of the astronomical phenomena most studied by astrologers of all time. We can affirm that they are one of the celestial manifestations that have most impressed mankind.

The word “eclipse” comes from the Latin “eclipsis”, which in turn comes from the Greek “ecleipsis”, which means disappearance.

Eclipses are one of the most studied astrological phenomena in Astrology. Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

And this is precisely an eclipse: the total or partial temporary disappearance of a star due to the interposition of another celestial body before the eyes of an observer.

In this case, this phenomenon occurs during the full Moon when the star is in the perigee, that is, it is in one of the closest points to our planet.

All eclipses impact on the electromagnetic field of the earth and, therefore, can be measured scientifically; in the same way, an eclipse can also be felt in the magnetic field of our body.

The effects of the Blood Moon

The eclipse will occur on May 26, 2021 at 11:13:43 Universal Time, Venus and Mercury of the eclipse will be related in a tense setup call T-square with Neptune.

This aspect marks a moment of greater confusion especially on the emotional plane, primarily for the Mutable signs.

Eclipses they are not favorable settings since they tend to make something “disappear” or be altered.

The Sun and the Moon belong to conscious and unconscious factors respectively, and as such, by opacifying one another, they generate a internal conflict that causes the human being to mobilize.

That is to say, of that internal fight decisions, conflicts, needs, renewals arise.

The effects of a lunar eclipse are always less important than eclipses of the Sun, and can indicate a personal crisis, especially in the emotional, affective and sentimental plane.

During the full Moon, and especially during a lunar eclipse, the surface tension of liquids increases.

Eclipses are not favorable configurations and. Photo: Shutterstock

Eclipses are not favorable configurations and. Photo: Shutterstock

Our bodies are mostly liquid so it will increase the tension because of biochemical effects in our body.

There will be take good care of food during those days and try to find balance through meditation and relaxation, do not make impulsive or decisive decisions.

It is also not advisable to start anything new during eclipses, until the Moon is sufficiently separated from its relationship with the Sun, approximately two days later.

As often happens during eclipses – and this is no exception – our reactions will be more visceral and instinctive.

The effects on the organism will be more direct and there will be a greater tendency to psychosomatic disorders.

Happens that lunar eclipses mark endings, completion or culmination times of certain events. And if we manage to calm our mind, our body will be more flexible and lighter.

How it will affect each sign

This eclipse may indicate a moment of utmost low emotional clarity, especially for Mutable signs -Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces-.

Aries: although they receive the eclipse from a favorable angle, Mars its ruler is in its fall sign (Cancer) on the way to closing a bad aspect with Pluto, it is possible that it is a period of many tensions. You will have to be attentive and, if for any reason you feel emotionally upset, try not to conflict and look internally for the causes of irritability.

Taurus: the eclipse does not make the Sun look bigger, however, it will be necessary to attend to the issues associated with the economy. Mars from Cancer sends you a mildly favorable aspect by activating communication and study matters. It will be an excellent time to broaden your knowledge and expand your mind.

Gemini: for Gemini it is likely that the theme of the eclipse is associated with their relationship with othersYou should try to be clear in your attitudes. There is a need to review personal plans and projects, there is a tendency to errors, mistakes, but above all to disappointment.

Cancer: the eclipse does not affect them directly, but Mars in conjunction with the Sun and Pluto in opposition marks a period of changes and tensions, there may be confrontations, discussions, power struggles, violence and risks. Lack of consideration and acting selfishly are two negative expressions of Mars, it would be wise to properly manage emotional energy.

Leo: receive the eclipse from a favorable angle. However, the transit of Mars marks tensions in the workplace. If possible, during this period try to work in isolation or with only the necessary contacts. Attention with the tensions with the own coworkers.

Virgo: the eclipse occurs from an unfavorable angle that can affect the relationship with superiors and prestige. But the opposition of Pluto and Mars from favorable angles mark that initiative and creativity will be the order of the day.

Libra: the eclipse in good aspect to the Sun accompanied by Mercury and Venus marks a good period for art, especially for artists and musicians since their ideas can be expressed more easily. But the influence of Mars and Pluto from an unfavorable angle may incline to act aggressively or conversely, suffer mistreatment or injuries from others.

Scorpio: the eclipse does not make them look older, but affects the area of ​​the economyBe careful with superfluous expenses. Mars orbiting from a favorable angle, focuses them on the productive. Artistic expressions and physical activity have a good and very useful form of manifestation to channel energy.

Sagittarius: the eclipsed Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius, influencing everything governed by the sign, studies, justice, religion. The square of Neptune to Mercury and Venus marks a period of excess sensitivity and susceptibility, psychic instability, where disorder and indecision may prevail.

Capricorn: the lights do not make the sign look older. However, the eclipse occurs in the area of ​​the hidden enemiesTherefore, great attention will also have to be paid to the health plane. Mars, which is opposite Pluto, will be influencing from an unfavorable angle, these bad aspects can lead to fanaticism, exaggeration and concern.

Aquarius – the eclipse touches them from a favorable angle, however, it requires greater clarity in the affective field where anguish, fears and anxieties, lack of vision, confusion can manifest themselves and we can be victims of deception. These aspects may also have to do with the need to make certain adjustments in financial matters.

Pisces: both the eclipse orbiting from a negative angle and Mercury and Venus square to the modern ruler of the sign, Neptune, can mark a moment of great bewilderment and uncertainty increasing sensitivity, but also creativity and empathy with others. Thanks to the influence of the opposition of Mars with Pluto, you will feel greater physical energy, joy of living, greater need for action and decision.

For Patricia kesselman, astrologer and teacher of astrology and tarot. On Instagram: @horoskopo.

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