NI calls Lavrov-Blinken meeting in Reykjavik a nightmare for Ukraine

The first meeting of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, held in Reykjavik, became a real nightmare for Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by the columnist for the American edition. The national interest Mark Episkopos.

In his opinion, the efforts of US President Joe Biden to stabilize relations with Russia undermine Kiev’s geopolitical positions.

The author recalled that the meeting in Reykjavik with Lavrov took place shortly after Blinken’s visit to Kiev. Then, as Episkopos notes, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy failed to achieve tangible concessions or commitments from the United States, although Kiev tried to push through changes in the Minsk agreements or the question of the state’s accession to NATO.

The article emphasizes that Ukraine was dissatisfied with the reaction of Western countries to the concentration of Russian troops at the borders, even “Washington’s inaction” and “another betrayal of Ukraine” were mentioned.

“Kiev’s continued attempts to use Western pressure on Russia are causing growing resistance in Western European capitals from Paris to Berlin,” the article says.

The observer stressed that the actions of the new American administration are regarded in Kiev as a blow to the prospect of creating a “united western front” to contain the Russian Federation.

May 21, director of the Washington Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. George Kennan Matthew Rojanski said that the meeting between Sergei Lavrov and Anthony Blinken was evidence of the mutual disposition of Russia and the United States for a productive dialogue based on common interests, which include Afghanistan, strategic mobility and nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. The expert clarified that the question of organizing a possible summit of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden adds even more significance to the meeting between Lavrov and Blinken.

The first meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken took place in Reykjavik on the night of Thursday, May 20, Moscow time, and lasted almost two hours. Lavrov during the meeting said about the need to sort out bilateral relations. To this, the head of the State Department replied that stable and predictable relations between the powers would benefit the whole world.

Lavrov also stressed that Russia is ready to “clean up the rubble inherited from the previous US administrations,” including on the issue of the normal functioning of diplomatic missions in both countries.

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