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Research Finns boast the most about pure nature, the least pride is known about the international atmosphere

Research Finns boast the most about pure nature, the least pride is known about the international atmosphere
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Women took pride in social security and good services. The men, on the other hand, boasted of the country’s history and traditions.

Finns the main national topics of pride when discussing with foreigners are related to clean nature and landscapes. 74 percent of respondents raise nature as the most important topic of pride.

The matter emerges from the Municipal Sector Development Foundation’s latest Barometer survey.

The next most proud are social security and good public services, mentioned by 65% ​​of respondents.

Women experienced the most pride in nature, good public services, and gender equality. The men, on the other hand, boasted about Finland’s history and traditions, as well as the Finns’ success in top sports.

According to the study, the least known pride is in Finland’s international, multicultural and vibrant atmosphere, nationalism and strong economy.

Also the party background of the respondents was evident in the study.

For example, SDP supporters are more likely to be proud of the level of public services and social security in the country. Supporters of basic Finns, on the other hand, felt proud of Finland’s history and traditions, nationalism and the success of Finns in top sports.

Supporters of the Coalition Party, for their part, raised low crime and low corruption, as well as gender equality and successful companies, as top prides. For the supporters of the city center, the topics of pride are the standard of living, income level in Finland, low crime, good public services and Finnish history and traditions.

Proponents of the Greens emphasize good services and social security. Proponents of the Left Alliance, for their part, emphasize, in addition to good public services, gender equality and low levels of corruption.

1,035 people responded to the interview survey and have a margin of error of about three percentage points in their direction.

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