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Students About 25,000 students will graduate this spring – See recent students on HS’s search engines

From HS’s search engines, you can search for students this spring by name or high school.

Matriculation Examination Board (YTL) has announced today, Monday, the names of all the students this spring. In total, about 24,700 students will graduate this spring.

The names of all recent students can be found on HS’s search engines. You can apply for students by the names of the candidates or by high school. Search engines can be found under the story.

YTL announced the names of graduates to high schools last Tuesday. In the writings of spring three people received 11 boarders, and the best score was surprised by 89 points.

Of particular concern in advance was the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on writings.

Only a few seemed to have applied annulment of his test because he would have been quarantined due to corona infection or exposure. Of the trials, only 1.4 per cent were annulled on the basis of applications, compared with 2.2 per cent last year.

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