The conflict in athletics and the sadness of an influencer doing the job of a manager

The controversy surrounding the participation of the Argentine team in the South American athletics team leads to a pathetic conclusion that only confirms a sad truth that has been in place for years. That is: that an influencer gets the logistics and the money necessary for a trip to take place clearly illustrates the decline of the national sports leadership. And there is more: that same influencer –Santiago Maratea– He had until a few days ago a null relationship with sports and only an exchange on social networks with a couple of rhythmic gymnastics girls alerted him to a situation that exploded with athletics but is a time bomb in many others disciplines.

That same sports leadership is the one that accepted the responsibility of hosting a South American in times when everyone knew that the second wave of coronavirus was yet to come. And that instead of choosing the Olympic Park to receive it, he opted for the National Center for High Performance Sports, knowing that, these days, dozens of Argentine athletes train in its facilities looking for the best set-up for the Olympic Games. Sanitary bubbles? Nobody thought about it, apparently.

It was clear that the possibility of holding the tournament in Argentina would give national athletes the possibility of attending as many as possible. But Didn’t anyone think that this original number of 50 athletes has nothing to do with the actuality of national athletics?

Argentina participated in the last South American held two years ago in Lima with a team that was in full preparation for the great test of the year (the Pan American Games) and, therefore, almost at a peak of performance. Only two golds were obtained then. A scarce harvest that served to ratify what is a trend in recent years: the downturn is increasingly pronounced, Brazil and Colombia are light years away, Ecuador is also very high and, at maximum, today the continental fight is with Chile and Venezuela for fourth place.

Everything too far from those golden years in which Argentina was the absolute dominator of the South American medal tables.

By last, athletics is a measurable sport. It is known who will win and who will come last and, also, what are the differences between the countries. Of all the athletes who will go to the South American, only four or five have the dream of achieving the Olympic passport to join the three marathoners already classified: Joaquín Arbe, Eulalio Muñoz and Marcela Gómez. Perhaps, in such crazy times of an all-through pandemic, the ideal would have been to focus on those who hold that particular illusion. Promises are not enough to improve a brand.

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#conflict #athletics #sadness #influencer #job #manager
