Two days of madness and anxiety: what time does Rapanui close?

The society that consumes current information learned last Tuesday 18 that President Alberto Fernández would not order a return to total confinement to try to stop the sustained advance of the pandemic. “We would not resist it”, He alerted on Radio 10. And added:“ There is a sociological problem ”. Two days later, on Thursday 20, the President announced on the national network that I would make isolation mandatory.

At least for nine days. A future reminiscent of the past. The long quarantine of 2020.

Fernández informed the public that must resist what two days before he said was impossible to fulfill.

It was a week of vertigo, madness and anxiety in power.

Fernández was convinced that he should ban for a short period of time circulation, education and the economy after being alarmed by the number of infections and deaths that he met the same Tuesday in which he had denied a return to Phase 1.

That day, the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Santiago Cafiero, with his peers from the City, Felipe Miguel, and the one from the Province, Carlos Bianco, met at the Casa Rosada. Also there were the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Dr. Fernán Quirós; and the Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollan. Even the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti. Quirós and De Miguel stated that, given a rise in cases in their district, the Porteña Headquarters planned very strict restrictions but only during the weekends, among other plans of that style. Cafiero, Bianco and Gollan listened. But something happened. Right in the middle of that meeting, the numbers of infections and deaths of the date were known. They were record. The tone of the dialogue changed. Cafiero hinted that if this curve continued, the government should think of other, more inflexible measures.

According to sources from the Presidency, Fernández had begun to plan the return to the restrictions during his tour of Europe.

Government began to turn regarding your health plan.

On Wednesday 21, with the confirmation that the City proposed to completely close the activity during the weekends, and after speaking by phone with the Porteño Chief, who ratified that idea – “always based on data” -, according to In the words of Rodríguez Larreta, Fernández directed the Government to regulate the prohibitions on circulation, education and work. He did not give too many details and it generated surprise in part of his Cabinet.

Rodríguez Larreta would accompany him.

World upside down: since mid-April, both have disputed on the public stage, and even before the Supreme Court, their differences about the danger or not of maintaining education with face-to-face classes in a pandemic.

That same Wednesday, Fernández had two other meetings with which he further fed his thesis that he would specify.

One lasted three hours and it was with the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof.

The other conversation was with the scientific advisers who help him understand what is happening with Covid-19 and suggest what he should do to stop the virus. Just a day ago he himself had assured that returning to a phase 1 was impossible.

Several days ago, although not so many, the Minister of Economy, Martin Guzman, confirmed to CNN that “The economy could not bear a total shutdown”. Guzmán already knows that the Government has its principles and also others.

Fernández also had another political “problem” to dictate the new measures.

When he signed his previous DNU with the lighter restrictions that apply today, the president of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti, and the president of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, did not adhere to his plan.

Those two provinces are now at the sanitary limit.

Cabinet sources affirmed that the President’s anger with the PJ leaders is greater than with the opposition governors, such as Rodolfo Suárez from Mendoza. Or with Rodríguez Larreta.

The forty-eight hours of vertigo in power had a milestone, as was said, last Wednesday.

Fernández was shocked by what his scientific advisers described. According to official versions, they explained that the control measures implemented up to that point were not controlled. “You have to reduce mobility,” they insisted. “The restrictions have to be increased”, was another of the concepts that marked him. The words that most stuck in his memory were those of the doctor Pedro Cahn. He explained that a very restrictive shock measure would be like hitting “a hammer” on the rise in infections, as long as it was carried out effectively.

On Wednesday night, Fernández, after hearing from his science advisers, met via Zoom with twelve governors of the provinces, especially the north and center of the country.

Except for Jujuy, Salta and Misiones, whose governors explained that they had a not alarming level of the virus for now in their districts, the rest of their colleagues accepted that the situation was overwhelming them. The Santa Fe Perotti, at that time of the night, had already announced that his entire province would return to almost Phase 1.

The rest of the leaders told the President that they would limit circulation and suspend classes.

Fernández gave hints of what would happen. According to sources who participated in that meeting, he said that “there is a national health alert.” He also added that there was “to take the bull by the antlers.” He asked them for unconditional support.

And he argued that he would seek to close circulation as much as possible. He quoted Dr. Cahn several times.

On Thursday morning the 22nd, the meeting was with the rest of the governors, including Rodríguez Larreta from Buenos Aires and Kicillof from Buenos Aires.

The dialogues between governors and what the President said was in the same vein as the Zoom with leaders that he had led the night before. Nor did he advance details of his plan at the time.

At noon he spoke again on the phone with Rodríguez Larreta. Just the health plan? Enigma. The new official confinement had already reached the media. The questions, the political madness, the anxiety, spread through the government coalition. It would do what was said no.

In secret, the government prepared to record a speech by the President in which he would announce the long-awaited. It would be by national chain. He spoke to the country around eight thirty at night.

After the initial vertigo, now the Casa Rosada is hoping to announce in the middle of the week, or perhaps before, the arrival of around six million doses of vaccines.

Meanwhile, in the Government and part of the citizenship questions without answers were added.

On Friday at ten o’clock at night the new DNU was known. An hour earlier, several ministers did not know the details of the new “ASPO”.

The power was dizzy. At least two governors, that of Buenos Aires and that of Córdoba, had communicated that they adhered to the new DNU of the Government. It so happens that the text did not yet exist. It was not published. Postcards from the days of political madness.

The Legal and Technical Secretary, Vilma Ibarra, worked relentlessly for a day to achieve a legal framework for the future confinement. Yapa: it was his birthday.

Clarion noted to a national official the support of Kicillof and Schiaretti to an official text that they did not know. He responded with humor: “They adhered but with their hearts.”

According to officials with relevant positions in the Presidency, Fernández had been communicating the news of his health service to the vice, Cristina Fernandez. He approved everything.

On the same Thursday of the most dramatic national network on the pandemic that the President gave in 2021, the vice president presided over a session in the National Senate.

On the same Thursday of the most dramatic national network on the pandemic that the President gave in 2021, the vice president presided over a session in the National Senate. At ten twenty-eight at night he left open the microphone with which he usually puts order in the enclosure. The upper house and then the country heard what their concern was in those hours of lack of certainty in the Nation. You need to know what time a chocolate shop that also sells ice cream closed. “What time does Rapanui close?”, He said. I wanted sweets, a human wish.

This business, according to the language of the new DNU, is considered a business close to your home in a building in Recoleta. So far this is his only statement on the new measures.

The sociological problem that the President spoke about has only just begun.

Look also
Fernández submits to Kicillof's wishes

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