What will be the accesses to the City that will be closed from Saturday to May 30

As part of the restrictions on circulation due to the coronavirus pandemic, the closure of 71 accesses to the City from Buenos Aires between Friday, May 21 at 20 and Monday, May 31 at 6 in the morning.

Thus, 56 accesses to the Buenos Aires territory will be enabled, between 8 pm and 6 am; 50 of them will be guarded by the City authorities and another 6 will have controls of federal forces.

It is part of the series of restrictions implemented as of this Saturday, given the pronounced rise in coronavirus cases.

In this sense, Alberto Fernández restricted the movement of people to the vicinity of their own houses and the prohibition of circulating between 18 and 6 in the morning. It also banned social, recreational and sports activities.

The 71 closed entrances

These steps will be fenced off. Only the emergency passage will be excepted.

Some of the accesses that will remain closed Until the morning of Monday, May 31, they are the following: Bosch Bridge, Puente Pueyrredón Viejo, Puente La Noria Viejo, Crossing Agrelo Street, Ascent to Av. Gral. Paz through Tabaré, Ascent to Av. Gral. Paz and Goleta Santa Cruz, Crossing Av. Francisco Fernández de la Cruz, Descent Gral Paz by Eva Perón, Descent Av. Gral. Paz by Barca Cabo de Hornos, Crossing Calle Rodolfo Scapino, Crossing Cnel. Martiniano Chilavert, Up Av. Gral Paz by José Barros Pazos and Down Av. Gral. Paz by Av. FF De la Cruz.

They will also be closed: Gallardo descent, Jorge Chávez Street crossing, Ibarrola Street crossing, Dr. Angel Roffo Street crossing, Gral Paz ascent by Monte, Gral. Paz Avenue ascent by Pila, Gral. Paz ascent by García de Cossio, Ascent Av. Gral. Paz by Estero Bellaco, Up Av. Gral Paz by Tapalqué, Down Av. Gral. Paz by Martínez de Hoz and Cruce Plaza.

The Pueyrredón Bridge will be controlled by federal forces. Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

The payroll continue with: Av. Gral. Paz down by Ibarrola, Av. Gral. Paz down through Tuyuti (from AXION service station), Down Av. Gral Paz by Pizarro, Junction Av. Emilio Castro, Down Av. Gral. Paz by Emilio Castro, Cruce Tonelero Street, Tinogasta Street Crossing, Gral. Paz Avenue Tinogasta Up, Gral. Paz Avenue Down through Nazarre, Gral. Paz Avenue – Francisco Beiro Avenue Up, Gral Paz Down Avenue through Brussels, Griveo Street Crossing, Concordia Crossing and Ascent Av. Gral Paz by Griveo.

More accesses cut off: Ascent Av. Gral. Paz (towards Río de la Plata) through Azcuénaga (province), Ascent Av. Gral. Paz (towards collector) by Larsen, Descent Av. Gral Paz through Benito Juárez, Descent Av. Gral Paz through Bahia Blanca, Down Av. Gral. Paz (towards collector) by Larsen, Down Av. Gral Paz (collector) by Av. Albarellos, Down Av. Gral Paz by Griveo, Crossing Calle Ricardo Gutiérrez (North side), Crossing Calle Ricardo Gutiérrez (South side) ), Crossing Emilio Lamarca and Crossing Av. Gral Mosconi.

The map of closed accesses to the City

The map of closed accesses to the City

Adding up Av. Gral Paz by Av. Gral Mosconi, Puente Superi, Up Av. Gral Paz by Av. Lope de Vega, Av. Gral. Paz. – Bajada Juan B. de la Salle 4300, Bajada Av. Gral. Paz by Gustavo Rearte, Bajada Av. Gral Paz 3932, Puente Zapiola, Junction Curupayti Av. Gral. Paz – Bajada Juan B. de la Salle 3838, Junction Calle 11 September 1888, Crossing Calle La Cachila, Up Av. Gral Paz by Vedia 3384, Down from Av. Gral Paz by Vedia 3460, Down Av. Gral Paz and Vedia 2901, Up Av. Gral Paz by Av. Del Libertador, Up Av.Gral Paz through Zapiola, Down Av. Gral Paz through Av. Del Libertador, Av. Gral. Paz Cross Grecia Street, Down from Av. Gral Paz through Vedia 3991, Lugones and Udaondo, Lugones access bridge A. Illia (University City ) and Lugones and de los Ombues.

The 56 entry points enabled

Another 56 accesses will be under control and will be destined to the passage of workers and essential personnel, between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

These are the following points: Alsina Bridge, Victorino de la Plaza Bridge, Pedro de Mendoza Bridge, Olympic Bridge, Junction AU. Riccheri towards Au. Dellepiane, Cruce Av. Cnel. JA Roca, Junction Av. February 27, Ascent Av. Gral Paz (towards Riachuelo) from Au. Riccheri / Au. Dellepiane, Down Av. Gral Paz by Av. Cnel. JA Roca, Ascent to Av. Gral Paz (towards Río de la Plata) from Au. Riccheri / Au. Dellepiane, Up Av. Gral Paz by Av. Alberdi and Down Av. Gral Paz by Av. De los Corrales.

They will remain in the same situation: up Av. Gral Paz by Ramón L. Falcón, Down Av. Gral Paz by Av. Alberdi, Junction Av. Eva Perón, Junction Av. Juan B. Alberdi, Junction with West Access, Junction Au. West access with Au. Perito Moreno and Cruce Av. Rivadavia.

All of them will have City controls. Meanwhile, the federal forces (Prefecture and Federal Police) will monitor the following accesses: Avellaneda Bridge, Pueyrredón Bridge, New Bridge La Noria, Junction from Au. Panamericana towards Av. Gral Paz (towards Río de La Plata), Junction from Au. Panamericana towards Av. Gral Paz (Riachuelo direction) and AU Ricardo Balbín (AU Buenos Aires – La Plata).


Look also
New restrictions by Covid: what are the measures announced by Alberto Fernández until May 30
The economic measures announced by the President

#accesses #City #closed #Saturday

source https://pledgetimes.com/what-will-be-the-accesses-to-the-city-that-will-be-closed-from-saturday-to-may-30/