An Army sergeant dies during a Special Operations course in Cartagena

Sergeant Rafael Gallart Martínez, 34 years old, has died today off the coast of Cartagena during a Special Operations course. The event occurred after a parachutist jump into the water, has reported the Army.

The Army, through its Twitter account, communicated the death of the Sergeant and gave its “support to family and colleagues.”

The Sergeant, a native of Hellín (Albacete), was in the 65 Special Operations Course as a student, and he was participating in a jump into the water together with his companions of course.

Due to still unknown circumstances, Sergeant was found face down and unconscious by the security personnel in charge of recovering the jumpers. Resuscitation techniques were performed at the scene and later he was transferred to the hospital, where he died.

Since 2008 he was part of the army

The military had joined the military in 2008 and had been promoted to Sergeant in July 2020. Assigned to the Tercio ‘Alejandro Farnesio’ 4th of the Legion in Ronda, had participated in misions in Afghanistan, Senegal and the Central African Republic.
