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Coronavirus Estonian Foreign Minister contacts EU Commissioners on Finland’s travel restrictions considered unreasonable

The Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas, also recently addressed the Finnish Ambassador due to restrictions.

Estonia foreign minister Eva-Maria Liimets has written to several EU commissioners about Estonia’s travel restrictions, which Estonia considers unreasonable, the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

In addition, Liimets has discussed the restrictions over the phone with the commissioner in charge of traffic Adina Valeanin with.

“For Estonia, the principle of free movement of people is very important because it is one of the fundamental principles of the European Union. Due to the corona pandemic, several countries have imposed restrictions on movement, but they should be justified and proportionate and should not include obstacles to cross-border commuting, ”the letter said.

Finland has decided to extend the entry restrictions until 27 June. However, work-related travel is permitted in air traffic between Finland and other EU or Schengen countries.

Also the Prime Minister of Estonia Kaja Kallas recently invited the Finnish Ambassador Timo Kantolan due to restrictions.


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