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European Football Championship Several families watched the Finnish European Championship debut when Christian Eriksen was shortened to the field – This is how you talk about the situation for a child

According to the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, it is especially important to give the child time and space to talk about their feelings. The child’s reactions must be respected.

Saturday night Numerous Finnish families gathered at the screen to watch Finland’s long-awaited European Championship debut.

Forty minutes after the game, the Danish star player Christian Eriksen shortened unconscious to the ground. Eriksen was resuscitated in a live broadcast.

Later in the evening it was announced that Eriksen is conscious and in a stable state in the hospital.

The situation was shocking to everyone who followed, but especially to the youngest viewers. How should they be told what happened?

Parental reactions are contagious to children.

Therefore, it is a good idea for the parent to try to stay as calm as possible in a shocking situation so that the child feels safe, On the website of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL). MLL has compiled guidelines on how to talk to a child about violence news.

“Note that the child may have an increased need for intimacy,” the MLL website explains.

The child’s questions must be answered honestly. Telling the facts prevents the child from resorting to the imagination. However, fear or uncertainty should not be incited.

It is therefore not advisable for a child to be told about a shocking event, but for the parent to keep a firewall between their own need for information and the child’s sense of security. You can also tell a child that you do not have to go online to look for information.

This allows the parent to protect their child from extra details.

Sadly events may spill over into games and dreams. For example, a child may find it difficult to fall asleep.

The MLL website advises that in such a situation, a parent can promise the child, even a big one, that they can sleep next to them if distressing or frightening thoughts take over the mind.

Children may also be in situations that threaten violence or health after proving a strong interest in death.

That’s normal, and don’t be shocked. Instead, the child should be encouraged to share their feelings.

Important is to give the child time and space to express their feelings.

Children and young people do not necessarily express their shock in the same way as adults. For example, children may laugh or joke when confused.

You should not be disappointed with the reaction. Instead, the child’s reactions should be respected.

“It’s important not to underestimate a child’s feelings. They must be treated understandingly and questions must be answered patiently. ”

Butter also happen that the child closes. While it is important to give the child time and space to deal with difficult emotions, on the other hand, it is not worth asking questions.

“Does it scare you? Whatever you think, ”the MLL website advises approaching a closed child.

If your child’s symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, you should contact a health care professional.

Witnessing a seizure also upsets adults. It is important that adults also deal with their difficult feelings. Anxiety or fear should be discussed with other adults.


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