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European Football Championship The startling statistics reveal Tim Sparv’s enormous significance to the Owls: “Let’s see if I can play”

The captain’s presence has been crucial to Finland’s success.

Can you Finland to approach Saturday’s Denmark match as a regular football match? That’s not in any way, but players are forced to think so that the download doesn’t go over.

It all sums up on the eve of a historic moment.

Finland came and finally jumped over the value threshold more than 1.5 years ago in Helsinki. It was a tough team trick.

Now in Copenhagen Markku Kanervan the group faces a more severe test than the qualifiers. The opening game of the European Championships measures the mental capacity of Finnish players in front of the whole of Europe. Participation alone is not enough – it must not be enough.

Heather cures its own tension in two ways.

“I hope I can sleep well at night and in the sun. Exercise is another important routine, ”the Finnish commander said in Copenhagen on Friday as confidently as ever.

Players will hear the lineup on Saturday during the morning warm-up.

“It’s a familiar habit for everyone. Calmness comes from routines and the fact that we have been able to do all the planned things before the game, ”the coach said.

The owls arrived in Denmark on Friday and took a feel for Parken’s grass carpet in the evening.

“Well to the main ball! Tomorrow they will all be defeated, ”the physiotherapist Jari-Pekka Keurulainen encouraged workouts at the beginning.

Finland will face a hot Danish deal in the worst result condition of Kanerva’s head coach period. The Owls have not won six games, nor have they hit in the preparatory games against Sweden and Estonia.

Of course, the situation is significantly better than in 2015–2016, when Finland played 13 games (0–4–9) in the tube without winning by a goal difference of 6–24. This mess was cleared up by Kanerva, who was promoted to head coach.

Now, in his case, the questions are mainly raised by the grouping.

Kanerva has recently favored the line of three toppers, when the best results in the European Championship qualifiers came down to four downstairs, where the center was laid down. Joona Toivio and Paulus Arajuuri. In the biggest wins Glen Chamber and Tim Sparv also played in front of them 90-minute games and protected Finland’s holiest.

Captain Sparv’s significance for Finland has been massive. After playing full minutes, Owls has won the last seven games without losing a goal (11-0). Unfortunately, the man hasn’t been able to play in his nineties lately.

Sparv claims to be healthy. A knee injury no longer harasses a man.

Can you play the full 90 minutes if needed?

“I’m ready to play. Let’s see if I can play on Saturday, ”Sparv threw the ball in Kanerva’s direction.

Owls has been ranked in advance in many ratings as the weakest team in the European Championships. The duo grants Finland the status of underdog, but it does not have to mean three losses.

“We are underdogers now, but not after the Games anymore,” Sparv piled.

“Other countries thought that Finland should not lose points. However, we have also shown our ability against the best, ”Kanerva commented.

Kanerva had no difficulty in listing Finland’s strengths in front of the international press. Strong team spirit and unity form the basis for a close defensive game. The courage of the players, on the other hand, is the key to upset opponents.

Friday info also appeared Teemu Pukki. Like Sparv, his fitness is a small question mark, but everything should be fine after an ankle trouble.

Buck said he waited a long time for Saturday and admitted the excitement.

“A little excitement only does good. There is a football boom in Finland, so there is definitely excitement for everyone. Players, roads, fans and just about everyone,” Pukki said.

Denmark has been an important country for the Finnish European Championship players

As many as 9 of the Owners’ 26 European Championship players have played at some point in the Danish club. About Finland’s key players Lukas Hradecký progressed to the top via Esbjerg and Bröndby. Tim Sparv became a club legend in Midtjylland and Teemu Pukki loaded the goals in Bröndby.

“It’s great to play the first European Championship match in Denmark, because I have so many great memories here,” Pukki said on Friday.

The paint cannon is especially waiting Christian Norgaardin encounter. The duo became acquainted in Bröndby and have struck together at the second level of England. Both Puck Norwich and Norgaard Brentford advanced to the Premier League next season.

Pukki wished his old playmate responsibility in the European Championships, but it might be tight.

Sparv has many acquaintances in the Danish bundle.

“Denmark was my home for six years, so this is special to me. I know that you think Denmark will easily move on from this block, ”Sparv addressed the Danish media.

Currently, the Danish club has only books Pyry Soiri (Esbjerg).

European Championship match Denmark-Finland on Saturday at 7 pm Finnish time.


Possible configurations:

Denmark: Schmeichel, Maehle, Christensen, Kjaer, Wass, Höjbjerg, Delaney, Braithwaite, Eriksen, Skov Olsen, Poulsen.

Finland: Hradecky, Uronen, L. Väisänen, Arajuuri, Toivio, Raitala, Sparv, Kamara, Kauko, Lod, Pukki.

Read more: Lukas Hradecky’s story would have been different if his parents had not moved to the recession of Finland and Turku in the 1990s.

Read more: The Danish magazine fills the European seam marks of the Owls

Read more: Faith lives strong in the Finnish pub in Copenhagen: “Then it explodes in the final moments”


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