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Football Christian Eriksen’s shorting to the field is a rare but by no means the only case in football

There have been a few surprising shortings of players on the field over the last ten years.

Football Danish star player in the Danish-Finnish match of the European Championship final Christian Eriksen shortened to the field on Saturday. Eriksen was resuscitated in the field for a long time, after which he was taken to hospital. According to the latest information, Eriksen’s condition is stable.

The case is very rare in football, but there have been some similar ones in the past and also with very serious consequences. Here are three cases from the 2010s.

A very similar situation was on March 17, 2012, when Bolton was a midfielder Fabrice Muamba, then 24 years old, shorted to the surface in the England Cup semi-finals against Tottenham. Her heart was at a standstill for 78 minutes, and the man was “virtually dead,” according to doctors.

However, Muamba recovered and he sustained hopes of continuing his playing career. However, it was not recommended by doctors and he announced the end of his playing career in August 2012.

In 2016 Cameroonian Patrick Ekeng shortened to the surface of the grass in Romania in the playoffs of Dinamo Bucharest. Ekeng had to make a substitution after seven minutes.

He was rushed to the hospital, where he was found dead two hours later. Ekeng had a heart attack on the field.

Amsterdam Ajaxin Abdelhak Nouri, 22, shortened to the surface in July 2017 while playing a practice match with Ajax in Austria. For the first two weeks, Nouri was in an artificial coma, after which she was treated for a long time in an Amsterdam hospital.

Nour’s heart was stopped for a long time, and the bad brain injury was largely the result of a lack of oxygen. The treatment he received in the field has been criticized for his slowness and focus on the wrong things.

However, Nour’s condition has since improved since he got home from hospital. He is able to eat and sit supported in a specially made wheelchair.

Read more: Danish star Christian Eriksen is in hospital and his condition is stable – how the situation progressed

Read more: The world’s thoughts focused on Eriksen – This is how the unbelieving situation was received in Finland and around the world


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