Israel: Nationalist Naftali Bennett Is New Prime Minister And Netanyahu Era Ends

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Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12 years have come to an end, but he vowed to return. In return, the coalition created by its opponents succeeded in coming to power as the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, swore in the far-right Naftali Bennet as prime minister for two years. After that term, the centrist Yair Lapid will replace him.

With 60 votes in favor and 59 against, the Israeli Parliament elected the opposition coalition to lead the country. The eight-party alliance that makes up the so-called ‘Government of Change’ sealed the agreements on Friday and decided that Bennett would serve as prime minister for two years. Later, he will be replaced by Yair Lapid, the architect of the government coalition.

Thus ends a two-year cycle of political paralysis, in which the country held four parliamentary elections after then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to achieve the necessary majorities to govern.

But the new union will not be easy at all, since the eight communities have opposite and disparate ideologies. There is even an Arab minority that will represent 21% of the coalition.

However, they have points in common. To achieve the alliance, Lapid raised several ideas from avoiding radical movements on critical international issues, such as politics towards the Palestinians; until maintaining good relations with the United States. This is how the new coalition was formed after an inconclusive election on March 23.

While Naftali Bennett’s speech in parliament focused mainly on internal Israeli issues, he momentarily moved away from the idea of ​​maintaining good relations and criticized the United States for its efforts to retake the nuclear deal with Iran.

“Israel will not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons,” Bennett stressed, hinting that it will maintain Netanyahu’s confrontational policy. To which he added: “Israel will not be part of the agreement and will continue to preserve full freedom of action.”

Likewise, he listed as priorities the reforms in education, health, reduction of bureaucracy to make companies grow, and promised a return to normality after having gone through four electoral processes in 24 months, 11 days of warfare in Gaza, and the Covid-19 outbreak that hit the economy in 2020.

The religious ultranationalist took the opportunity to call for national reconciliation while thanking the former prime minister for his work as head of power for more than a decade. Netanyahu’s term was the longest in Israel.

“It is the moment to pass the leadership of the nation and the State to the next generation,” he commented at the beginning of a possible new stage.

As the vote began, the division within Parliament was notorious. Netanyahu’s followers were thrown out of the room because they yelled “shame” and “liar” at Bennet.

Benjamin Netanyahu is not giving up

Upon his departure from Parliament, the now former prime minister left a clear message: “We will return soon.”

Now his Likud party will be on the opposing side. “If it is destined for us to be in the opposition, we will do so with our backs straight until we overthrow this dangerous government and lead the country back on our way,” Netanyahu declared.

He also added that he will continue with what he considers to be his “great life mission”: guaranteeing Israel’s security.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu watches as he delivers a speech during a special session of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, to approve and swear in a new coalition government, in Jerusalem on June 13, 2021 REUTERS – RONEN ZVULUN

Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, remains the head of the largest party in Parliament and is expected to be on the lookout for the new alliance to screw up for a chance to return as prime minister.

Who are the new leaders of Israel?

Bennett is a millionaire who invests in high technology. In addition, he is an Orthodox Jew who leads the ultra-nationalist Yamina party, which defends the Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank. It is not new then that he opposes the creation of an independent Palestinian state. He was also Minister of Defense in Netanyahu governments.

For his part, Yair Lapid will serve as Foreign Minister until his time comes to replace Bennett. Lapid heads the centrist Yesh Atid (There is a future) party and is the mastermind behind the new government. He was a television presenter in 2012 and Minister of Justice under Netanyahu.

Another of the most visible figures is Benny Gantz, who will serve as the new Defense Minister. He is a former military chief who is at the head of the Blue and White center party and, at the time, positioned himself as the politician with the best chance of replacing Netanyahu.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz upon his arrival in Parliament for a vote on the dissolution of the Legislative, on December 2, 2020.
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz upon his arrival in Parliament for a vote on the dissolution of the Legislative, on December 2, 2020. © Reuters / Alex Kolomoisky

He even agreed to a unity government with the former prime minister. But the coalition failed seven months after it was created due to a lack of agreement on a bill on the Israeli budget. Now Gantz joins the new coalition.

For his part, Avigdor Lieberman will be the Minister of Finance. Lieberman, is a far-right immigrant from Moldova who lives in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. Gideon Saar, will occupy the Justice portfolio, and was Netanyahu’s main rival within the Likud, but Netanyahu kept him away.

Mansour Abbas, belongs to the United Arab List, and will absorb Israel’s Arab minority: Palestinians by culture and heritage but with Israeli nationality.

With Netanyahu waiting for the new government to fail, Bennet and Lapid’s challenge will be to deliver on the promises made to their allies to stay in power.

With Reuters, AP and EFE

