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Municipal elections Coalition Party Orpo satisfied: “Hard result”, others quieter – This is how the presidents comment on the first counting of votes

The Coalition Party’s Orpo said it was satisfied with the twenty percent share of the vote. The basic Finns, Halla-aho, denied being disappointed, even though the party was behind the center in the first count.

The largest the party chairmen commented on the situation according to the first vote count on election night shortly after eight.

The party chairmen were interviewed after more than a million advance votes had been counted. 40.7 per cent of all votes cast had been counted.

The largest shares of this vote had been collected nationwide by the Coalition Party, the Social Democrats, the Center Party and the Basic Finns.

Coalition Party chairman Petteri Orpo Yle said in the election broadcast that it was satisfied with the then 20.9 per cent share of the vote.

“The two surfaces are a tough result. Our candidates have worked hard,” Orpo said.

“It shows here that the Finns want an alternative to the left-wing government.”

Orpo also commented briefly Kirsi Pihan (kok) The effect of withdrawing from the Helsinki Mayor’s Competition on the result.

“That dispute lasted two days. Then our lines settled.”

Social Democrats chairman Sanna Marin said in an interview with Yle that he was a little disappointed with the first vote count. However, he stressed that there are still many votes to be counted.

“I’d say wait calmly. Let’s see when every vote is counted.”

Marin admitted he expected a better result from his first election as chairman. In the interview situation, the SDP’s voting share was 18.5 per cent.

“Yes it [tulos] was a little lower than I expected. “

Downtown chairman Annika Saarikko said he was looking forward to an interesting election night at the Center’s election observers.

“That figure at this point seems pretty good to me, but a very surprising evening is sure to come.”

After 40.7 per cent of the votes were counted, the share of the center was 17.0 per cent.

Yle’s election specialist Sami Borg estimates that the center ‘s final vote score could be up to three percentage points lower than its pre – vote catch.

“If we were to go down that much, that would be in the readings of the last parliamentary elections. I would like to believe that the sun in the center is still rising, ”commented Saarikko.

Saarikko told HS, regardless of the outcome, that he would continue to focus on strengthening trust in the party. Asked what the result means in terms of national politics, Saarikko reiterated his previous position.

“These are municipal elections. Therefore, there is no reason to discuss the situation of the government here. I have said before that things are decisive and the ability to agree, regardless of the outcome of the election. ”

Basic Finns chairman Jussi Halla-aho denied in the party’s election observers that he was disappointed with the evening’s first count.

Halla-aho stressed that the information is still incomplete.

“This is where we start. I’m not disappointed, these don’t say very much yet,” said Halla-aho

The goal of the basic Finns in these elections has been to challenge the strong provincial party center, even in small localities. However, when 40.7 per cent of the votes had been counted, the share of basic Finns of 13.5 per cent was lower than the number of votes in the center by several percentage points.

Halla-aho reminded that even with this result, this would be the best municipal election result for basic Finns ever.

HS working group: Martta Kallionpää, Anni Keski-Heikkilä, Valtteri Parikka and Petja Pelli


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