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Municipal elections This is how cultural influencers and celebrities succeeded: Violinist Jaakko Kuusisto, “Remontti-Reiska” Jorma Piisinen and scrap dealer Markus Kuotesaho on board

Once again, many well-known candidates from outside politics took part in the municipal elections.

This there were many candidates known outside politics in the municipal elections of the year: artists, cultural figures and public figures known from TV programs, among others.

Conductor-composer Jaakko Kuusisto (green), stand up comedian Lotta Backlund (kok), TV personality “Remontti-Reiska” ie Jorma Piisinen, basketball player Shawn Huff (green), real estate agent and TV celebrity Jethro Rostedt (type), author Tuomas Nevanlinna (left), author-editor Minna Lindgren (green) and a junk dealer and a TV person Markus Kuotesaho (center) were among those elected to councils when more than 75 percent of the votes in the municipal elections had been counted.

Backlund, Huff, Nevanlinna and Lindgren were nominated in Helsinki, Rostedt in Turku, Piisinen in Järvenpää, Fagerholm in Raseborg and Kuotesaho in Siikajoki.

A footballer was also going through Timo Furuholm (left) in Turku, organizational coordinator and artist Ajak Majok (left) in Helsinki, ex-long jumper Tommi Evilä (kok) in Tampere, singer of the band Egotrippi Mickey Kauste In Espoo, TV producer Petteri Ahomaa (kok) Raseborg, magician Tatu Tyni (ps) also in Raseborg, the 2014 tango queen Maria Tyyster (center) in Säkylä, a rapper-tuber known as Slim Mill Milad Dehghan (ps) in Vantaa and a former clairvoyant and The biggest loser competitor Eve Claudia aka Pia Polviander (ps) In Espoo.

With the Coalition there were more celebrity candidates than other parties. For example, a dance teacher was left without a council seat Aira Samulin as well as the founder of the Naughty BRGR burger chain and appeared on many TV shows Akseli Herlevi.

A fashion designer was also left on the beach Laila Snellman In Helsinki, manager of the band Nightwish Toni Peiju In Lahti, the king of tango Jukka Hallikainen In Miehikkälä and the opera singer’s veteran, bass Johann Tilli In Rantasalmi.

Writer Monika Fagerholm in Raseborg – who was already on the board at an earlier stage in the counting of votes – was not selected from the SDP’s cultural field candidates, rapper Juno aka Jon Korhonen Sipoo, Actors Sara Paavolainen and Mikko Rasila In Helsinki and Kerava, as well as a singer and Tango Market finalist Jonna Ortju In the field.

Seat of the Council was also going side by side with the biggest celebrity candidate in the center, hockey coach and influencer Juhani Tammisen, who was nominated in Turku.

The radio presenter was also left unselected Lauri Salovaara In Oulu, singer Jamppa Kääriäinen An actor familiar from Iisalmi and the Metsolat series Erkki Hakala Kurika.

The second largest celebrity candidate for basic Finns, a restaurateur, a nightclub entrepreneur and also made his singer debut last year Seppo “Sedu” Koskinen was left without a seat in Helsinki. Koskinen has previously represented the Coalition Party. He was elected to the Turku City Council as a candidate for the Coalition Party in 1996.

Participant in the Temptation Island Finland series of green candidates Santeri Kärki was left without a council seat in Espoo, as well as competing in the same program Ville-Pekka Timonen, who was a candidate for the Left Alliance in Joensuu. The Mixed Worker in the field of culture was also left unelected by the candidates of the Left Alliance in Helsinki Jani “Wallu” Valpio and ex-actor, nurse Outi Alanen.

RKP the best-known celebrity candidate is likely to have started in 1997 Antiques, antiques TV presenter Wenzel Hagestam. For Christian Democrats, an ex-speed skater Mika Poutala was nominated in Espoo, but the council seat was left side by mouth.

The ex-sprinter, who also won the Finnish championship, was left undelected in the shop Stefan Koivikko In Helsinki, singer Kristian Meurman In Espoo and actor-singer Natalil Lintala In Seinäjoki.

Candidate for the newly formed Crystal Party, a controversial welfare coach Maria Nordin was also left without a council seat in Espoo.


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