Roberto Peidro: ‘The doctors saved his life; neither the players nor the referee did it ‘

Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen, teammate of Argentine Lautaro Martínez at Inter, was the protagonist of a dramatic event in the Eurocup, in the match between Denmark and Finland, for the first date of Group B. 42 minutes of the first half were played when the 29-year-old footballer fainted, began to suffer seizures and had to be resuscitated with CPR maneuvers. “The doctors saved his life and that is why I recall the speed with which he was treated. Because every second that is lost is time that brings him closer to death. Although I timed it and the first massage was at one minute and 55 seconds. It wasn’t as fast as it should have been. And now we will see what was the cause that led to cardiac arrest. A point against the players or the referee who did not know what to do“, says Roberto Peidro, the director of the Institute of Sports Sciences of the Favaloro University and president of the Argentine Association of Cardiology of the exercise of sport.

“With surprise we see that a professional player like Eriksen, previously doing a trot, that is to say in full exercise, lost consciousness and fell collapsed on the court. The first thing to think about is that he suffered a syncope, because it is the most serious. A loss of consciousness of cardiac origin. Because for a sudden fall to occur it is because he lost muscle tone. That happens because less blood goes to the head. And it can go through many circumstances, but this was very serious because he had an arrest cardiac or ventricular fibrillation, which is arrhythmia, and which is when the heart cannot contract because it beats at 600, 700 beats per minute “, Peidro diagnoses at the request of Clarion.

“You can only get out of that with the use of a cardioverter defibrillator, which gives you an electric shock and returns to zero all the electricity of the heart so that it starts up by its own means,” continues describing the cardiologist, who was a goalkeeper in several teams of the Ascended and recognized in 1977 as the most correct player in the First B.

Roberto Peidro, cardiologist. He was the Medical Director of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games (Photo: Favaloro University.

“The doctors come in to take his pulse, which is a key fact. If he has a pulse it is because his heart is beating. If there is no pulse and they see that he is not breathing, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers are performed and the automated external defibrillator, which If it finds that there is an arrhythmia, it automatically gives you an electric shock to come out of the stop. That’s what we saw on television …. “, says the professional born in Lanús and saved in El Porvenir and Deportivo Morón, among other teams.

“What must be rescued from this is the importance of having a defibrillator and of people who know how to perform CPR maneuvers. Even all the players and the referee should know how to do it. We had taken courses for international referees at the Ezeiza campus because the referee is the one who is closest and -even- arrives before the doctors. In this case, neither the players nor the judge knew how to act, “he points out precisely.

“Fortunately, the information that comes in is that Eriksen has recovered. For this reason, in short, here we have that he suffered a syncope, most likely due to cardiac arrest. That, despite everything, there was a very rapid action by the professionals who They were on the playing field, but – I repeat this – not from the footballers or the referee, who simply call, but do not act. And that is a small point against the organization of the tournament “, reiterates Peidro.

“In Argentina, most of the First Division clubs have a defibrillator. Even the AFA also gave one to the B and C teams. But affiliated to AFA there are more or less 4,000 clubs and not all of them have a defibrillator. In international competitions, in our country, there must be an ambulance that must be equipped with one. And, furthermore, there must be a transfer circuit: the ambulance must know where to go, where to exit and where to go. take the player as quickly as possible. In Argentine soccer there are highly trained professionals. It is not that here it is a disaster and there they are very good “, finally underlines the professional who while playing soccer studied and received a cardiologist. And once, in 1981, when he was goalkeeper for Deportivo Morón, he attended a spectator who had suffered a heart attack in the middle of the game …


